URDF Quiz Score 7/10

Hello, How can I load the Control Topics (load the controllers)? I did correct some errors, I think I have to make some changes in spawn_gurdy.launch, please guide me regarding it. I only have two attempts left. When I spawn the robot using start_gurdy.launch and check the active topics using rostopic list all joint_state and command topics are active.

Hello @rutweek.joshi , Could you send me your Quiz package to aezquerro@theconstructsim.com so that I can have a look?


Okay Sir, Thank You. I have mailed it to you.

Hello @albertoezquerro Sir, I have mailed you the Quiz Package. Have you received it? If yes, please tell me if I have made some errors in the program. Also, I am not able to spawn any URDF. There seems to be some spawn error ‘[gazebo/spawn_urdf_model] responded with an error’. Will you please check the problem?

Just replied to you @rutweek.joshi .

Sir, I saw that mail. I made some modifications but the problem was not solved. I have sent you a new mail, please read it and reply to me. Thank You very much for your time.

@rutweek.joshi Replied.