Ros2 talker/listener node

hi am just wondering if it is possible to read the data sent from the talker node to a listener node. in my case i am getting the talker node to send coordinates(x,y,z) to a listener node of people on the real world. now i want to taker those values and use them to spawn a person in unity . just wondering how i would go about reading and being able to access these values in a ros2 platform ?

You can definitely do this. For example, you can send the position of the person in the real world as a Point message (x, y, z), and then listen to this data on a node that is then in charge of spawning the person in unity. I don’t have experience with Unity but you can probably learn more here: Advance your robot autonomy with ROS 2 and Unity | Unity Blog

I recommend you taking our ROS2 Basics Python in 5 Days course that will give you a general idea on how you can implement something like this.

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