Exporting workspace after exercises?


It has been fun creating new workspaces and features in the virtual environment, however many of the examples shown in the tutorials can very useful when working on other projects. So I was wondering if there is a way to export the current “catkin_ws” you are working on, with all the files as they are? I’m the biggest computer wiz, so there might be an easy solution that I’m not aware of. Alternatively I could create copies of the individual files and recreate the workspace structure, but I’m a bit lazy :slight_smile:

Kind regards,
Asger D Larsen

I found the solution, and now I’m embarrassed by the question :sweat_smile: Is it possible to delete the post? As it is quite irrelevant…

Hi @asgerdl ,

You can delete the post but your thread will stay saying “scrubbed”
You can reply with the solution and mark it solved so other people can refer to your post!
