Video link disappear


Previously, there is a video link for all the chapter, so i can watch the video. In the video, i will understand what should i do and the video will have explanation to instruction. This video will let me more easy to understand.

Recently the video link was disappear, is there any link i can watch video for each course.

Thank you

Hi @louis,
Welcome to the Community!

I’m sorry but the videos are no longer available (at least for now) as we are focused on the text-based notebooks, which, versus videos, can be updated more rapidly to improve the quality of the content.

Thank you for your understanding.

Hi @bayodesegun
Thanks your reply.

I am a visual learner so I do prefer videos over text-based content. Therefore, I would highly appreciate if you could provide the video for Fuse Sensor Data Improve Localization courses, because through the video I can follow the instruction easy and understand. I do really like construct courses since previously they used to have videos for every single courses.

I hope you understand my objective.

Your kind attention on this matter is appreciated.

Thank you


I understand your position but, unfortunately, we cannot provide videos at this time. We are still a small team can only focus on a few things at a time.

You can still find all those videos on our YouTube channel.

Thank you for your understanding.