Solutions final exercice Unit 2 Topics (topics quiz)

Where can I get the solution for the final exercise of Unit 2 TOPICS? The Correct quiz of this chapter don´t works.


Hi @evaristobayonagomez,

We are sorry about this confusion. I think you are trying to submit the quiz but it’s not working. We are aware of this bug in the system and are working on fixing it as soon as possible.

Usually after you submit the quiz we’ll show you a link to the solution.

In the meantime, if not already, you can just manually execute the quiz package to ensure it works as expected. Once we have fixed the quiz correction system, we’ll inform you to submit again.

Apologies again for the delay.

Hi @evaristobayonagomez,

I’m glad to inform you that this issue has been fixed. You can attempt submitting your quiz again.

Thanks for your patience.