Rviz file ROS2 Navigation Advanced

Hi everyone
I’m starting the ROS2 Navigation Advanced course. The Rviz config files that are supported in the repo don’t load the map…I don’t know what rviz file should I use.
Thanks in advance

Hello @lfernandez ,

Could you please provide some more details on this? What unit are you working on? What exercise/section? Are you getting any kind of error?

Thanks in advance,

Hello @albertoezquerro
I’m working on the frist unit. I don’t know where is the rviz config file I should use.
I’ve tried with the ones included in ~/ros2_ws/src/nav2_pkgs/path_planner_server/rviz_config

Thanks again

Hello @lfernandez ,

The Rviz config file is loaded automatically. The steps to follow are:

  1. Download the repo:
cd ~/ros2_ws/src
git clone https://bitbucket.org/theconstructcore/nav2_pkgs.git
  1. Compile your workspace:
cd ~/ros2_ws/
colcon build
source install/setup.bash
  1. Launch Nav2:
    ros2 launch path_planner_server navigation.launch.py

RViz2 will be loaded automatically and you should get something like this:

Thanks @albertoezquerro!!

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