Publishing to action server Attribute Error

I’m trying to publish goal values to an action server via a client.I keep on getting attribute errors. This is the line giving me issues.

agoal = MoveBaseActionGoal()
agoal.goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = 'map'

here is the message format.

std_msgs/Header header
  uint32 seq
  time stamp
  string frame_id
actionlib_msgs/GoalID goal_id
  time stamp
  string id
move_base_msgs/MoveBaseGoal goal
  geometry_msgs/PoseStamped target_pose
    std_msgs/Header header
      uint32 seq
      time stamp
      string frame_id
    geometry_msgs/Pose pose
      geometry_msgs/Point position
        float64 x
        float64 y
        float64 z
      geometry_msgs/Quaternion orientation
        float64 x
        float64 y
        float64 z
        float64 w

What am i doing wrong?

I am instantiating the wrong class.
agoal = MoveBaseActionGoal()
should be
agoal = MoveBaseGoal()


I ran in to the same issue. If we publish on the topic, we must use the MoveBaseActionGoal message structure though. I am curious why there are two different messages and more importantly, why sending MoveBaseActionGoal via an action client does not work?

It’s so because that’s the way the ROS team has designed it. And they haven’t gotten someone to convince them to change it :wink:.

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