Problems with amcl node

The amcl node that I configuted does not manage the map to robot_odom transformation
I post the lauch and params files

<node pkg="amcl" type="amcl" name="amcl">

<rosparam file="$(find rb1_localization)/params/rb1_localization_params.yaml" command="load"/> 


odom_model_type : diff

odom_alpha5 : 0.1

gui_publish_rate : 10.0

laser_max_beams : 60

laser_max_range : 12.0

min_particles : 500

max_particles : 2000

kld_err : 0.05

kld_z : 0.99

odom_alpha1 : 0.2

odom_alpha2 : 0.2

odom_alpha3 : 0.2

odom_alpha4 : 0.2

laser_z_hit : 0.5

laser_z_short : 0.05

laser_z_max : 0.05

laser_z_rand : 0.5

laser_sigma_hit : 0.2

laser_lambda_short : 0.1

laser_model_type : likelihood_field

laser_likelihood_max_dist : 2.0

update_min_d : 0.25

update_min_a : 0.2

odom_frame_id : odom

resample_interval : 1

transform_tolerance : 1.0

recovery_alpha_slow : 0.0

recovery_alpha_fast : 0.0


If I use as frame_id: robot_odom as suggest rostopic echo -n1 /odom I get this error

ERROR] [1646415796.740725181, 2268.469000000]: Couldn’t transformfrom robot_front_laser_link to base_link, even though the message notifier is in use

Hello @saxosun ,

You need to set the following parameters for amcl:

odom_frame_id : robot_odom
base_frame_id : robot_base_link

Let me know if it solves your issues,

It is better, because now I see the particles too when I run the amcl node. However the robot model presents the same problem yet. I have used robot/robot_description. Thanks

Try closing RViz and opening it again. If that doesn’t fix the issue send me your files to

Hi Alberto,
I re-read the general parameters and I resolved. It missed:
base_frame_id as you suggest and map_frame_id.
Now it is ok
Thanks for your support