Problem in launching service in Exercise 3.1 of course ROS basics (C++)


I’ve created the pkg as it’s required in exercise 3.1 of course ROS basics (C++).

When I launch the service /trajectory_by_name, I get this error:

[ERROR] [1597261187.265499938]: Failed to call service /trajectory_by_name
[service_client-1] process has died [pid 17000, exit code 1, cmd /home/user/catkin_ws/devel/lib/service_client_pkg/simple_service_client __name:=service_client __log:=/home/user/.ros/log/e64f8104-dcd0-11ea-8703-0222fea6f48d/service_client-1.log].
log file: /home/user/.ros/log/e64f8104-dcd0-11ea-8703-0222fea6f48d/service_client-1*.log

Any help is appreciated.

Hey @mohammad.b,

Did you start the service before trying to call it? Typically you would start the service in one terminal (shell) and call it in another.

Please let us know.

By the way, welcome to the Community!

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