PR2 Kinetic MoveIt

I followed the following instructions found here:

I got the following error after loading the configuration in MoveIt

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/user/catkin_ws/src/pr2/pr2_description/demos/”, line 26, in
from pr2_description.srv import Pr2Move, Pr2MoveResponse, Pr2MoveRequest
ImportError: No module named pr2_description.srv

Can you please help?
ROSject link:

Thank you in advance!


Have a look at this ROsject with PR2 for noetic. It wll probably show you whats missing: Learn Robotics from Zero - Robotics & ROS Online Courses

You also have this repo: Bitbucket

yes, I have cloned the repo. I really need the PR2 robot to be working in ROS Kinetic

The Pr2MoveResponse.srv and Pr2MoveRequest.srv files are missing in the repo from Bitbucket.

How can we have PR2 work will Kinetic MoveIt successfully? Please help

Thank you

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