Package is missing


I have issue with running code in chapter 5(Services in ROS: Clients).

When I try to run code(roslaunch iri_wam_aff_demo start_demo.launch) from the Example 5.1, I am getting an error as below. I tried to find iri_wam_aff_demo package using roscd, it doesn’t appear.
---------- error ----------
RLException: [start_demo.launch] is neither a launch file in package [iri_wam_aff_demo] nor is [iri_wam_aff_demo] a launch file name
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file

Also when I catkin_make from cd ~/catkin_ws, it also gives me an error as below. I also couldn’t find the ardrone_as package.
---------- error ----------
/home/user/catkin_ws/src/action_client_pkg/src/cancel_goal_test.cpp:2:10: fatal error: ardrone_as/ArdroneAction.h: No such file or directory
2 | #include <ardrone_as/ArdroneAction.h> // Note: “Action” is appended

How can I fix those errors?

Did you launch the right package? It should be roslaunch iri_wam_aff_demo start_demo.launch. Please try again and show us a screenshot with the error if the error happens again.

Please post this as a separate question, giving more details. Ex: what exercise were you working on?


Yes, I write it correct roslaunch command and I still get the error as below.

When I do roscd iri_wam_aff_demo to find the package, it also gives me the error as below.
user:~$ roscd iri_wam_aff_demo
roscd: No such package/stack ‘iri_wam_aff_demo’

Thank you.


I also tried to execute the launch file in the different cell but it was giving me the same error as below.

How can i fix this error?


Yes, I write it correct roslaunch command and I still get the error as below.

When I do roscd iri_wam_aff_demo to find the package, it also gives me the error as below.
user:~$ roscd iri_wam_aff_demo
roscd: No such package/stack ‘iri_wam_aff_demo’

Thank you.

This is an indication that your workspace is already corrupted. Please try the following:

cd ~/simulation_ws
rm -rf build/ devel/
source devel/setup.bash
rospack profile


cd ~/catkin_ws
rm -rf build/ devel/
source devel/setup.bash
rospack profile


I tried to follow the instruction but i couldn’t find the file called simulation_ws.

Here is what I got from cd ~/simulation_ws.

Even I follow the instruction with cd ~/catkin_ws, I still couldn’t find the iri_wam_aff_demo package.

Thank you.

Sorry about that.

I don’t know what happened, but it seems that your simulation workspace has been corrupted.

If you are not able to do

roscd iri_wam_aff_demo

then this is most definitely the case. In that case, please do

cd /home/simulations/public_sim_ws
rm -rf build/ devel/
catkin_make # you might need to retry this a few times
source devel/setup.bash
rospack profile

and try again.

Let me know how it goes.

Hi @bayodesegun, I am also running into the same problem, when I try to run

roslaunch iri_wam_aff_demo start_demo.launch

the error I get is:

RLException: [start_demo.launch] is neither a launch file in package [iri_wam_aff_demo] nor is [iri_wam_aff_demo] a launch file name
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file

I have also checked to see if the package can be found with:

roscd iri_wam_aff_demo

and the package cannot be found.

roscd: No such package/stack 'iri_wam_aff_demo/'

I have tried all the suggestions above, even running catkin_make multiple times as suggested here,

cd /home/simulations/public_sim_ws
rm -rf build/ devel/
catkin_make # you might need to retry this a few times**
source devel/setup.bash
rospack profile

When I run the catkin_make, the error I get is,

In file included from /home/simulations/public_sim_ws/src/all/variant/variant_topic_tools/src/Message.cpp:20:
/home/simulations/public_sim_ws/src/all/variant/variant_topic_tools/include/variant_topic_tools/Message.h:30:10: fatal error: variant_msgs/Variant.h: No such file or directory
   30 | #include <variant_msgs/Variant.h>
      |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
compilation terminated.
make[2]: *** [all/variant/variant_topic_tools/CMakeFiles/variant_topic_tools.dir/build.make:206: all/variant/variant_topic_tools/CMakeFiles/variant_topic_tools.dir/src/Message.cpp.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:10558: all/variant/variant_topic_tools/CMakeFiles/variant_topic_tools.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:141: all] Error 2
Invoking "make -j8 -l8" failed

I am not sure what to do anymore. It seems this should be something that should work straight out of the Ros Basics In 5 days (C++) course, but it is not working.

Please help if you can, thank you.

Some things have change in the course since the last posts, so some of the instructions might not work anymore.

For your case, since it says it cannot find the package, please try the following:

source /home/simulations/public_sim_ws/devel/setup.bash

Then try to launch that command again.

I just confirmed that the package is actually there.

@bayodesegun, thank you for the reply.

It is still not showing up for me. Here is what I see in my terminal:

**Command you recommeded**
user:~$ source /home/simulations/public_sim_ws/devel/setup.bash

**Checking all packages starting with i**
user:~$ roscd i
image_common/                     image_view/image_geometry/                   image_view2/
image_pipeline/                   imagesift/image_proc/                       imu_sensor_controller/image_publisher/                  interactive_marker_tutorials/
image_rotate/                     interactive_marker_twist_server/
image_transport/                  interactive_markers/

**Trying to launch the package**
user:~$ roslaunch iri_wam_aff_demo start_demo.launch
RLException: [start_demo.launch] is neither a launch file in package [iri_wam_aff_demo] nor is [iri_wam_aff_demo] a launch file name
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file


Please note that this simulation is not available in every unit of the course, only where it is needed.

Please confirm that you are trying to run it in the Unit 6 - Understanding ROS Services - Clients.

user:~$ roscd i
image_common/                     image_transport_plugins/          interactive_markers/
image_geometry/                   image_view/                       iri_wam_aff_demo/
image_pipeline/                   image_view2/                      iri_wam_description/
image_proc/                       imagesift/                        iri_wam_gazebo/
image_publisher/                  imu_sensor_controller/            iri_wam_meshes/
image_rotate/                     interactive_marker_tutorials/     iri_wam_reproduce_trajectory/
image_transport/                  interactive_marker_twist_server/
user:~$ roslaunch iri_wam_aff_demo start_demo.launch
... logging to /home/user/.ros/log/d3a5a342-9bca-11ed-b925-0242ac140006/roslaunch-1_xterm-1251.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://1_xterm:46759/


 * /rosdistro: noetic
 * /rosversion: 1.15.9

    iri_wam_aff_demo (iri_wam_aff_demo/iri_wam_aff_demo_node)
    iri_wam_reproduce_trajectory (iri_wam_reproduce_trajectory/iri_wam_reproduce_trajectory_node)


process[iri_wam_reproduce_trajectory-1]: started with pid [1259]
process[iri_wam_aff_demo-2]: started with pid [1260]
[ INFO] [1674553186.886915966]: Waiting for action server to start.
[ INFO] [1674553186.897982507]: Ready execute trajectories
[ INFO] [1674553186.905674007]: Executing trajectory 0
[ INFO] [1674553187.470326459, 84.471000000]: Action server started, sending goal.
[ INFO] [1674553201.208235551, 98.055000000]: Action finished: SUCCEEDED
[ INFO] [1674553201.412585108, 98.244000000]: Executing trajectory 1
[ INFO] [1674553201.722233815, 98.520000000]: Action server started, sending goal.
[ INFO] [1674553211.186038036, 107.835000000]: Action finished: SUCCEEDED
[ INFO] [1674553211.389690252, 108.037000000]: Executing trajectory 0
[ INFO] [1674553211.657230923, 108.299000000]: Action server started, sending goal.
[ INFO] [1674553225.398705942, 121.882000000]: Action finished: SUCCEEDED
[ INFO] [1674553225.520195740, 122.002000000]: Executing trajectory 1
[ INFO] [1674553225.931062932, 122.409000000]: Action server started, sending goal.
[ INFO] [1674553235.344291901, 131.721000000]: Action finished: SUCCEEDED
[ INFO] [1674553235.467946107, 131.844000000]: Executing trajectory 0
[ INFO] [1674553235.715625670, 132.088000000]: Action server started, sending goal.
[ INFO] [1674553249.456261651, 145.677000000]: Action finished: SUCCEEDED
[ INFO] [1674553249.567913622, 145.788000000]: Executing trajectory 1
[ INFO] [1674553249.818397431, 146.029000000]: Action server started, sending goal.
[ INFO] [1674553259.239370768, 155.341000000]: Action finished: SUCCEEDED
[ INFO] [1674553259.352200815, 155.454000000]: Executing trajectory 0
[ INFO] [1674553259.642929995, 155.737000000]: Action server started, sending goal.
[ INFO] [1674553273.655653599, 169.346000000]: Action finished: SUCCEEDED
[ INFO] [1674553273.768059558, 169.454000000]: Executing trajectory 1
[ INFO] [1674553274.014698369, 169.686000000]: Action server started, sending goal.
[ INFO] [1674553283.450771608, 178.997000000]: Action finished: SUCCEEDED
[ INFO] [1674553283.567082631, 179.112000000]: Executing trajectory 0
[ INFO] [1674553283.867178216, 179.409000000]: Action server started, sending goal.
[ INFO] [1674553297.603544063, 192.991000000]: Action finished: SUCCEEDED