Other Paymant Method?

Hey Guys,
I would like to try the upgrade for a month. But the only way to pay ist with my credit card. For the verification of my payment the websites akss me to type in my online banking pin, thats a big red flag for me. Is there another way to pay?

Hey Gian,

Welcome to the Community and thank you for subscribing!

You need not worry about using your credit card. Our credit card payments are processed directly by Stripe.com, and your card is safe with them. Besides, the verification is something required by your bank as an additional layer of protection and this is provided to the bank directly over a secure connection.

Paying with credit/debit card is the preferred way because the whole process is automatic, but you can also pay by bank transfer, which is slower :cold_sweat:. Please shoot us an email at courses@robotigniteacademy.com if you want to pay by bank transfer.