Failed to create the daw_local_planner/DWAPlanner - Cannot navigate with a map

when I’m trying to navigate with a pre created map using the command
roslaunch turtlebot3_navigation turtlebot3_navigation.launch map_file:=$HOME/map60.yaml

I’m running it on a real TurtleBot3 robot.


process[robot_state_publisher-1]: started with pid [13712]
process[map_server-2]: started with pid [13713]
process[amcl-3]: started with pid [13714]
process[move_base-4]: started with pid [13716]
process[rviz-5]: started with pid [13729]
[ INFO] [1571071247.453625871]: Using plugin "static_layer"
[ INFO] [1571071247.458955429]: Requesting the map...
[ INFO] [1571071247.662416429]: Resizing costmap to 384 X 384 at 0.050000 m/pix
[ INFO] [1571071247.762298328]: Received a 384 X 384 map at 0.050000 m/pix
[ INFO] [1571071247.766110712]: Using plugin "obstacle_layer"
[ INFO] [1571071247.768109253]:     Subscribed to Topics: scan
[ INFO] [1571071247.787405682]: Using plugin "inflation_layer"
[ INFO] [1571071247.831313868]: Using plugin "obstacle_layer"
[ INFO] [1571071247.833178982]:     Subscribed to Topics: scan
[ INFO] [1571071247.850934073]: Using plugin "inflation_layer"
[FATAL] [1571071247.889066155]: Failed to create the dwa_local_planner/DWAPlannerROS planner, are you sure it is properly registered and that the containing library is built? Exception: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class dwa_local_planner/DWAPlannerROS with base class type nav_core::BaseLocalPlanner does not exist. Declared types are  base_local_planner/TrajectoryPlannerROS
[move_base-4] process has died [pid 13716, exit code 1, cmd /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/move_base/move_base cmd_vel:=/cmd_vel odom:=odom __name:=move_base __log:=/home/gal/.ros/log/1d485a5c-ee9b-11e9-9369-000c29632051/move_base-4.log].
log file: /home/gal/.ros/log/1d485a5c-ee9b-11e9-9369-000c29632051/move_base-4*.log

I’m getting this error:

[FATAL] [1571071247.889066155]: Failed to create the dwa_local_planner/DWAPlannerROS planner, are you sure it is properly registered and that the containing library is built? Exception: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class dwa_local_planner/DWAPlannerROS with base class type nav_core::BaseLocalPlanner does not exist. Declared types are  base_local_planner/TrajectoryPlannerROS
[move_base-4] process has died [pid 13716, exit code 1, cmd /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/move_base/move_base cmd_vel:=/cmd_vel odom:=odom __name:=move_base __log:=/home/gal/.ros/log/1d485a5c-ee9b-11e9-9369-000c29632051/move_base-4.log].
log file: /home/gal/.ros/log/1d485a5c-ee9b-11e9-9369-000c29632051/move_base-4*.log

how can I fix that?

Hello @galush9011,

At first sight, it looks like you don’t have the libraries installed. Make sure you have them installed with the following command:

sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-dwa-local-planner

I’m assuming you are using ROS Kinetic. If not, just modify it for the correct version in the command above.


thanks it solved my problem