[Exploring ROS using a 2 Wheeled Robot] #1: Basics of Robot Modeling using URDF

I am trying to do this lesson, which is Exploring ROS using a 2 Wheeled Robot #1: Basics of Robot Modeling using URDF - The Construct to see if I want to purchase courses but the lesson bears no resemblance to the actual ros workshop. / development studio
Have I ended up in the wrong place or is this course defunct?

I just got done playing with that ROSject. I wouldn’t play too much with the ROSjects that aren’t made by the RIA guys until you have the basic knowledge from the course stuffs. Many of the ROSjects made by the RIA guys have youtube videos that go along with it, so you have someone to walk you through it with the video. They do videos at least once a week with their ROSjects. I believe the ROSject you are referring to doesn’t have much to do in the ipython notebook in the way of URDF, right? I believe I looked at the name of the folder in the src folder and launch (the folder name) tab tab and first letter of something interesting. Then I opened gazebo and drove the robot back and forth by publishing a topic…

TLDR: I would say it may be an unfinished test and not necessarily a “course” made by the RIA guys.

Hi @leibricke,

At the time I recorded the video, the ROSDS platform was an old version, so quite different from the one we have nowadays.

Although, the basics remain. You must be able to follow the instructions using the apps provided in the bottom bar.

You have to open the IDE, Shells and Gazebo in order to have your web desktop with all the features you see in the video.

The main difference is that now you can drag and resize the apps (IDE, shell, gazebo, graphical tools, etc…) in the way you prefer :slight_smile:

Please, let me know if you have any troubles throughout this tutorial, I’ll be here to help you!


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