Exercise 3.1 - RVIZ2 doesn't spawn robot


I’m trying to do the ROS 2 Manipulation Basics Course but it seems like there is some general problems with this course, or I’m just bad at following the instructions. :stuck_out_tongue: Still waiting for response on Exercise 2.1.

I tried to proceed with the course while waiting for a response, and now I have a new problem with visualizing the PointCloud data in RVIZ2.


topics: [{topic: /joint_states, 
          type: sensor_msgs/msg/JointState, 
          queue_size: 100}, 
          {topic: /clock, 
          type: rosgraph_msgs/msg/Clock, 
          queue_size: 100}, 
          {topic: /tf_static, 
          type: tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage, 
          queue_size: 100}, 
          {topic: /tf, 
          type: tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage, 
          queue_size: 100}, 
          {topic: /wrist_rgbd/depth/camera_info, 
          type: sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo, 
          queue_size: 100}, 
          {topic: /wrist_rgbd/depth/points, 
          type: sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2, 
          queue_size: 100}]

Shell #1

user:~/ros2_ws$ source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
user:~/ros2_ws$ source /home/simulations/ros2_sims_ws/install/setup.bash
user:~/ros2_ws$ colcon build
Starting >>> tf2
Starting >>> tf2_msgs
Starting >>> pcl_conversions
Starting >>> grasping_msgs
Starting >>> my_moveit2_config
Starting >>> ur_e_description
Finished <<< my_moveit2_config [1.34s]
Finished <<< ur_e_description [1.43s]
Finished <<< pcl_conversions [1.58s]
Finished <<< tf2 [1.80s]
Starting >>> tf2_py
Starting >>> tf2_eigen_kdl
Finished <<< tf2_py [0.98s]
Finished <<< tf2_eigen_kdl [0.93s]
Finished <<< tf2_msgs [3.02s]
Starting >>> tf2_ros
Finished <<< grasping_msgs [3.18s]
Finished <<< tf2_ros [1.12s]
Starting >>> tf2_geometry_msgs
Starting >>> tf2_kdl
Starting >>> tf2_bullet
Starting >>> tf2_eigen
Starting >>> tf2_sensor_msgs
Starting >>> tf2_tools
Starting >>> examples_tf2_py
Finished <<< tf2_sensor_msgs [1.57s]
Finished <<< tf2_tools [1.57s]
Finished <<< tf2_bullet [1.69s]
Finished <<< tf2_geometry_msgs [1.72s]
Starting >>> pcl_ros
Finished <<< tf2_eigen [1.72s]
Finished <<< tf2_kdl [1.76s]
Starting >>> geometry2
Starting >>> test_tf2
Finished <<< examples_tf2_py [2.41s]
Finished <<< geometry2 [0.76s]
Finished <<< pcl_ros [0.86s]
Starting >>> perception_pcl
Starting >>> simple_grasping
Finished <<< test_tf2 [0.99s]
Finished <<< perception_pcl [0.53s]
Finished <<< simple_grasping [0.80s]

Summary: 21 packages finished [7.83s]
user:~/ros2_ws$ source install/setup.bash

Shell #2

user:~$ source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
ROS_DISTRO was set to 'foxy' before. Please make sure that the environment does not mix paths from different distributions.
user:~$ cd ~/catkin_ws
user:~/catkin_ws$ catkin_make
Base path: /home/user/catkin_ws
Source space: /home/user/catkin_ws/src
Build space: /home/user/catkin_ws/build
Devel space: /home/user/catkin_ws/devel
Install space: /home/user/catkin_ws/install
#### Running command: "make cmake_check_build_system" in "/home/user/catkin_ws/build"
#### Running command: "make -j8 -l8" in "/home/user/catkin_ws/build"
user:~/catkin_ws$ source devel/setup.bash
user:~/catkin_ws$ roslaunch load_params load_params.launch
... logging to /home/user/.ros/log/53314afa-0f1f-11ed-aa46-0242ac150008/roslaunch-3_xterm-24912.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://3_xterm:35477/


 * /rosdistro: noetic
 * /rosversion: 1.15.11
 * /topics: [{'topic': '/join...



No processes to monitor
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
user:~/catkin_ws$ source /home/simulations/ros2_sims_ws/install/setup.bash
ROS_DISTRO was set to 'noetic' before. Please make sure that the environment does not mix paths from different distributions.
user:~/catkin_ws$ ros2 run ros1_bridge parameter_bridge __name:=parameter_bridge
Trying to create bidirectional bridge for topic '/joint_states' with ROS 2 type 'sensor_msgs/msg/JointState'
[INFO] [1659089838.556798911] [ros_bridge]: create bidirectional bridge for topic /joint_states
Trying to create bidirectional bridge for topic '/clock' with ROS 2 type 'rosgraph_msgs/msg/Clock'
[INFO] [1659089838.567535059] [ros_bridge]: create bidirectional bridge for topic /clock
Trying to create bidirectional bridge for topic '/tf_static' with ROS 2 type 'tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage'
[INFO] [1659089838.575933133] [ros_bridge]: create bidirectional bridge for topic /tf_static
[INFO] [1659089838.575982740] [ros_bridge]: Setting QoS to keep all msgs for topic /tf_static.
Trying to create bidirectional bridge for topic '/tf' with ROS 2 type 'tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage'
[INFO] [1659089838.586562599] [ros_bridge]: create bidirectional bridge for topic /tf
Trying to create bidirectional bridge for topic '/wrist_rgbd/depth/camera_info' with ROS 2 type 'sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo'
[INFO] [1659089838.596036239] [ros_bridge]: create bidirectional bridge for topic /wrist_rgbd/depth/camera_info
Trying to create bidirectional bridge for topic '/wrist_rgbd/depth/points' with ROS 2 type 'sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2'
[INFO] [1659089838.608991286] [ros_bridge]: create bidirectional bridge for topic /wrist_rgbd/depth/points
The parameter 'services_1_to_2' either doesn't exist or isn't an array
The parameter 'services_2_to_1' either doesn't exist or isn't an array
[INFO] [1659089838.736891560] [ros_bridge]: Passing message from ROS 1 rosgraph_msgs/Clock to ROS 2 rosgraph_msgs/msg/Clock (showing msg only once per type)
[INFO] [1659089843.740483992] [ros_bridge]: Passing message from ROS 1 tf2_msgs/TFMessage to ROS 2 tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage (showing msg only once per type)
[INFO] [1659089843.755826345] [ros_bridge]: Passing message from ROS 1 sensor_msgs/JointState to ROS 2 sensor_msgs/msg/JointState (showing msg only once per type)
[INFO] [1659089844.455577395] [ros_bridge]: Passing message from ROS 1 sensor_msgs/CameraInfo to ROS 2 sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo (showing msg only once per type)
[INFO] [1659089844.475292505] [ros_bridge]: Passing message from ROS 1 sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 to ROS 2 sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2 (showing msg only once per type)

Shell #3

user:~$ source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
user:~$ rviz2
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-user'
[INFO] [1659089871.685053387] [rviz2]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED
[INFO] [1659089871.685216548] [rviz2]: OpenGl version: 3.1 (GLSL 1.4)
[INFO] [1659089871.725363858] [rviz2]: Stereo is NOT SUPPORTED


Any help would be appreciated.

Many thanks,

Hi @vetle.tjohansen,

I think that in order to see the robot, you have to source ros2_sims_ws, which is where I suppose the robot model is defined.

source /home/simulations/ros2_sims_ws/install/setup.bash

After that, you have to click Add in the bottom left, and select Robot Model. Then, once the Robot Model is added, you have to select the Topic /robot_description.

Please let me know if I misunderstood you question.