ERROR: Cannot load message class for [my_examples_pkg/Age]. Are your messages built? Exercise 3.3

I’m trying to solve the exercise 3.3 where I have to create a publisher to publish age of robot using custom message format. I followed the instructions to create the Age.msg and aslo added the necessary lines to CMakeLists.txt and package.xml.
When I start the node the topic can be seen in rostopic list and rostopic info as seen below.
But when I try to echo the topic I get an error:

user:~$ rostopic info /age_info
Type: my_examples_pkg/Age

 * /publish_age_node (http://9_xterm:33941/)

Subscribers: None

user:~$ rostopic echo /age_info
ERROR: Cannot load message class for [my_examples_pkg/Age]. Are your messages built?

Hi @akshay.ulavan,

Welcome to the Community!

For solving this problem, please have a look at this post:

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Thanks @bayodesegun I am really enjoying the course :grinning:

My issue was as mentioned in the post #3. I didn’t understand it the first time. But I realized that I hadn’t done source devel/setup.bash in shell 2 where I was running the command rostopic echo.

Thanks for the quick response!

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