Don't know what to do for Exercise 6.4

The description for Exercise 6.4 is too vague. Can I have more detailed steps?

  • What the Laser mounted at the end effector of the robot arm is registering. TIP: You can adjust the appearance of the laser points through the element in the LEFT PANEL.
  • What the PointCloud Camera / Kinect mounted in front of the robot arm is registering. TIP: You can adjust the appearance of the pointcloud points through the element in the LEFT PANEL. You should select points for better performance.

Hi @ousam.share,
The goal is to vizualize sensors in Rviz. Use commands like
rostopic list and rostopic info /topic_name to figure out what is what. Then try to add an appropiate visualization to rviz. Here it might have something to do with the topice /laser_scan

Let me know if you have more troubles. Try to be specific with what you are struggling, so we can help better :slight_smile:

Thanks. Let me give my try.