Different output compared to examples with "OpenCV Basics for Robotic"

I am learning unit5 of “OpenCV Basics for Robotics”. There is a case to extract the polygon with corners which are centers of markers, out of the original image. I followed the step as what the case on course book says, but get a wired output.
My code is:

#! /usr/bin/env python
import rospy
import cv2
import numpy as np
from cv2 import aruco

###### subtract artag area from given image ######

class Tags_Class():

    def __init__(self):

        # get source image
        self.img = cv2.imread(
        self.img_h, self.img_w = self.img.shape[:2]
        self.img_h = int(self.img_h * 0.7)
        self.img_w = int(self.img_w * 0.7)
        self.img = cv2.resize(
            self.img, (self.img_w, self.img_h))
        self.gray = cv2.cvtColor(self.img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

        # get iamge to be added
        self.added_img = cv2.imread(
        self.added_h, self.added_w = self.added_img.shape[:2]
        self.added_coordinates = np.array(
            [[0, 0], [self.added_w, 0], [0, self.added_h], [self.added_w, self.added_h]])

        # initialize the dictionary
        self.tags_dict = aruco.Dictionary_get(aruco.DICT_6X6_250)
        self.params = aruco.DetectorParameters_create()

        # to store the coordinates of markers' centers
        self.centers = []

    def coordinate_order(self, centers, module):

        # get a list 'centers' with 4 points, and order them in anticlockwise
        order_centers = np.zeros((4, 2), dtype="int")

        # In the previous code, we sorted the coordinates to a specific order.
        # For this part, we need this order and also a second sort changing the position 2 and 3 of the array.
        # This is done just for the algorithm to work well.
        # When we work with the convexPoly, it works with a different order than the warped image with the homography.

        if module == 1:

            sum = centers.sum(axis=1)
            order_centers[0] = centers[np.argmin(sum)]
            order_centers[3] = centers[np.argmax(sum)]

            diff = np.diff(centers, axis=1)
            order_centers[1] = centers[np.argmin(diff)]
            order_centers[2] = centers[np.argmax(diff)]

        elif module == 2:

            sum = centers.sum(axis=1)
            order_centers[0] = centers[np.argmin(sum)]
            order_centers[2] = centers[np.argmax(sum)]

            diff = np.diff(centers, axis=1)
            order_centers[1] = centers[np.argmin(diff)]
            order_centers[3] = centers[np.argmax(diff)]

        return order_centers

    def main(self):

        ###### detect the corners and id's in the examples ######

        corners, ids, rejectedImgPoints = aruco.detectMarkers(
            self.gray, self.tags_dict, parameters=self.params)
        rospy.loginfo("ids: " + str(ids))

        ###### centers of markers ######

        for i in range(len(ids)):
            # draw centers of markers with circle
            marker = corners[i]
            marker = marker[0]
            marker_center = marker.mean(axis=0)
            rospy.loginfo("coordinate of marker's center is: " +
                self.img, (int(marker_center[0]), int(marker_center[1])), 3, (255, 255, 0), -1)
            self.centers.append((int(marker_center[0]), int(marker_center[1])))
        # order the centers
        self.centers = np.array(self.centers)
        self.centers = self.coordinate_order(self.centers, module=2)
        print("self.centers after ordering: ")
        # draw contours
        ordered_img = self.img.copy()
        cv2.drawContours(ordered_img, [self.centers], -1, (150, 150, 0), -1)
        aruco.drawDetectedMarkers(ordered_img, corners, ids)
        cv2.imshow("detected markers with ordering", ordered_img)

        ###### create black mask ######

        black_mask = np.zeros([self.img_h, self.img_w, 3], dtype=np.uint8)
        cv2.fillConvexPoly(black_mask, np.int32(
            [self.centers]), (255, 255, 255), cv2.LINE_AA)
        # cv2.imshow('black mask', black_mask)

        ###### subtraction ######

        subtraction = cv2.subtract(ordered_img, black_mask)
        cv2.imshow("subtraction", subtraction)

        ###### addtition of added image ######

        # get homography matrix from added image to the shape of polygon with 'centers' as corners
        hom, status = cv2.findHomography(self.added_coordinates, self.centers)
        # https://theailearner.com/tag/cv2-warpperspective/
        warped_img = cv2.warpPerspective(
            self.added_img, hom, (self.img_w, self.img_h))
        cv2.imshow("warped image", warped_img)

        addition = cv2.add(warped_img, subtraction)
        cv2.imshow("addition", addition)


if __name__ == "__main__":

    tags = Tags_Class()

But I got this output:

I noticed that there is one sentence in course book to explain why we should have another “coordinate ordinger” method:
In the previous code, we sorted the coordinates to a specific order. For this part, we need this order and also a second sort changing the position 2 and 3 of the array. This is done just for the algorithm to work well. When we work with the convexPoly, it works with a different order than the warped image with the homography. This variation can be seen in the function “order coordinates”.
But I still cannot understant what it actually does. And when I switch to this new coordinate ordering, by changing only one param:

        self.centers = self.coordinate_order(self.centers, module=1)

I got this output:

It is still wired. It seems the new coordinate ordering just destroy the correct order of markers, but it make warpped image correct. I don’t understand, according to the code, what is the relation between this order and warpped image?
Another question, even though the output is correct as what is shown in course book, how can we ensure warpped image exactly fit in the dark zone, which was extracted before from main image? I didn’t find any codes do this work, but it does work,
Thanks a lot for explanation.

Hello @MeineLiebeAxt,

The reason for sorting the coordinates when using the convexPoly method is to ensure that the points are ordered in a specific way. If the points of the polygon are specified in a counterclockwise order, the polygon is considered to be a “positive” polygon and will be filled by the fillConvexPoly function. If the points are specified in a clockwise order, the polygon is considered to be a “negative” polygon and will not be filled. In the code that you provided the function coordinate_order sets the order of the vertices in two different ways depending on the value of the variable module.

In the code provided the function coordinate_order is used to get points sorted in anticlockwise order. You can see the function takes two arguments: centers and module. Centers is a list of four points, each with two coordinates (x and y). Module is a number that indicates which sorting method to use. The function returns a new list of four points, called order_centers, that are sorted in anticlockwise order. As you can see, the sorting method depends on the value of module. If module == 1, the function uses the sum and difference of the coordinates to find the top-left, top-right, bottom-right and bottom-left points. If module == 2, the function uses the same method but swaps the positions of the bottom-right and bottom-left points.

If the points in the centers list are given in clockwise order, we can use the function to return them in anticlockwise order. And if the points are given in anticlockwise order, we can use the same function to return them in the same order.

Hope this helps,


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