Cmake error when tryin to catkin_make

Hello the Construct. I’m currently trying to implement vision and object recognition for a school project robot. And for that the deep learning course seemed to be just perfect. Right now I’m trying to replicate the workspace in the git to reach the same as the one you have in the exercise. I can see that you have the “” in your git, and i’m using this to gather the extensions to ROS for getting the OpenCV etc. My problem is that after executing the “” in my workspace i get the following error:
Could not find a package configuration file provided by “boost_python-py35”
(requested version 1.71.0) with any of the following names:


It seems like the boost python module haven’t been installed properly. I have searched the internet thin and didn’t find any suggestions that solved the problem. Do you have any recommended steps to do to solve this problem?

best regards