Catkin_ws/src empty when reopening course

I am not sure if this is the correct place to report bugs…

Last night I finished the topic quiz and started the rosject project. When I returned to the course, my catkin_ws/src/ directory was empty.

It is not a big deal, but still surprising.

I don’t know if this is related, but I was connected to my work VPN when I opened the rosject and then went back and reopened the course. So, my connection was really slow. Did something timeout and reset itself?

Another interesting data point: The ide shows the catkin_ws/src directory is empty while the terminal shows there is a single CMakeLists.txt file in the directory.

Let me check what happened and try to recover your files.

Yes, a slow connection could cause this.

I have restored your files for the course.

I see the same problem also affected the rosject. If you have not gone far with it, I recommend that you delete that copy and create a new one. If you have gone far, I can see how we can restore the rosject.

Please avoid using this VPN or any slow network.

Thanks for the quick fix. I’ll try to remember to log off the VPN before logging into theconstructsim.