Can i clone the world as like on the course?

Hello, i was wondering can i clone the world as like on the course? Because my internet is slow, so i want to clone the world on the course. And i do with my ubuntu ros on my pc.

I’ve tried to get model properties and i got the model_name that i can download.
But how can i know the exactly position and orientation all of the model? for i spawn it later ?


All the ismulations used in the courses can be downloaded for you to execute them locally as you say, following the notebooks but executing it localy. You just have to look for the simulation that is launched.

The best way is to see exactly the launch of the unit, and then doing a roscd to know the package name in which that launch is an dthen go to our gits and download that simulation. Then you just have to install the needed dependencies.


ps faux | grep .launch

This will give you the launch used in the unit. For example: bb_8_gazebo main.launch

Then you do:

roscd bb_8_gazebo

And it will take you to the package and you can see the parent folder and there fore the gits name: bb8.

Then you go to our public repo and search for that simulation git and download it. And install the dependencies asked for when compiing it with catkin_make-

Hope it helped


ah, thank you so muchhhhh ! it helps me a looot :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Hey, is this method still work? i see that there’s no more “launch” line on the ps faux.