Calculate the speed of wheels for an old mobile robot

Hello again!!

On the occasion of my previous question, I wanted to ask something new.

According to the given library:

Two scripts help me send pulses to the GPIOs and read the RPMs sent to the Raspberry Pi 4.
In the first the code is this:

#!/usr/bin/env python

# 2016-10-07
# Public Domain

#          # Send servo pulses to GPIO 4.
# 23 24 25 # Send servo pulses to GPIO 23, 24, 25.

import sys
import time
import random
import pigpio



step = [0]*NUM_GPIO
width = [0]*NUM_GPIO
used = [False]*NUM_GPIO

pi = pigpio.pi()

if not pi.connected:

if len(sys.argv) == 1:
   G = [4]
   G = []
   for a in sys.argv[1:]:

for g in G:
   used[g] = True
   step[g] = random.randrange(5, 25)
   if step[g] % 2 == 0:
      step[g] = -step[g]
   width[g] = random.randrange(MIN_WIDTH, MAX_WIDTH+1)

print("Sending servos pulses to GPIO {}, control C to stop.".
   format(' '.join(str(g) for g in G)))

while True:


      for g in G:

         pi.set_servo_pulsewidth(g, width[g])

         # print(g, width[g])

         width[g] += step[g]

         if width[g]<MIN_WIDTH or width[g]>MAX_WIDTH:
            step[g] = -step[g]
            width[g] += step[g]


   except KeyboardInterrupt:

print("\nTidying up")

for g in G:
   pi.set_servo_pulsewidth(g, 0)


This script needs some changes to make it send the pulses to the GPIO I want. For example, I want to send 23 GPIO pulses for the left wheel with specific μs (microsecond) and 24 GPIO for the right wheel.

Then, with the second script:

#!/usr/bin/env python

# 2016-01-20
# Public Domain

import time
import pigpio #

class reader:
   A class to read speedometer pulses and calculate the RPM.
   def __init__(self, pi, gpio, pulses_per_rev=1.0, weighting=0.0, min_RPM=5.0):
      Instantiate with the Pi and gpio of the RPM signal
      to monitor.

      Optionally the number of pulses for a complete revolution
      may be specified.  It defaults to 1.

      Optionally a weighting may be specified.  This is a number
      between 0 and 1 and indicates how much the old reading
      affects the new reading.  It defaults to 0 which means
      the old reading has no effect.  This may be used to
      smooth the data.

      Optionally the minimum RPM may be specified.  This is a
      number between 1 and 1000.  It defaults to 5.  An RPM
      less than the minimum RPM returns 0.0.
      self.pi = pi
      self.gpio = gpio
      self.pulses_per_rev = pulses_per_rev

      if min_RPM > 1000.0:
         min_RPM = 1000.0
      elif min_RPM < 1.0:
         min_RPM = 1.0

      self.min_RPM = min_RPM

      self._watchdog = 200 # Milliseconds.

      if weighting < 0.0:
         weighting = 0.0
      elif weighting > 0.99:
         weighting = 0.99

      self._new = 1.0 - weighting # Weighting for new reading.
      self._old = weighting       # Weighting for old reading.

      self._high_tick = None
      self._period = None

      pi.set_mode(gpio, pigpio.INPUT)

      self._cb = pi.callback(gpio, pigpio.RISING_EDGE, self._cbf)
      pi.set_watchdog(gpio, self._watchdog)

   def _cbf(self, gpio, level, tick):

      if level == 1: # Rising edge.

         if self._high_tick is not None:
            t = pigpio.tickDiff(self._high_tick, tick)

            if self._period is not None:
               self._period = (self._old * self._period) + (self._new * t)
               self._period = t

         self._high_tick = tick

      elif level == 2: # Watchdog timeout.

         if self._period is not None:
            if self._period < 2000000000:
               self._period += (self._watchdog * 1000)

   def RPM(self):
      Returns the RPM.
      RPM = 0.0
      if self._period is not None:
         RPM = 60000000.0 / (self._period * self.pulses_per_rev)
         if RPM < self.min_RPM:
            RPM = 0.0

      return RPM

   def cancel(self):
      Cancels the reader and releases resources.
      self.pi.set_watchdog(self.gpio, 0) # cancel watchdog

if __name__ == "__main__":

   import time
   import pigpio
   import read_RPM

   RPM_GPIO = 4
   RUN_TIME = 60.0
   SAMPLE_TIME = 2.0

   pi = pigpio.pi()

   p = read_RPM.reader(pi, RPM_GPIO)

   start = time.time()

   while (time.time() - start) < RUN_TIME:


      RPM = p.RPM()



I can read the RPMs sent to the GPIOs and, with the appropriate algorithm, convert them to m/s (meter/second) on each wheel.
That is, to find the linear and angular velocities according to the following formulas:

Στιγμιότυπο οθόνης 2022-05-23 213109

Up to this point, am I wrong somewhere?

Is there a way to calculate the inverse kinematics?
That is, using the following formulas:

Thanks in advance!

Hello @vasileios.tzimas,

This is definitely not an answer as I am not going into details of the individual aspects of your hardware/ your code.

I am giving you just some hints of what you can look at, if you want.

There are two important uses for the kinematic equations for differential drive robots:

Forward kinematics for differential drive robots: The equations that convert left and right wheel rotational velocities into linear and angular velocities are used to create the nav_msgs/Odometry message that keeps an estimate of the position and velocity of a robot in the environment.

Inverse kinematics: The equations to convert linear and angular velocities into left and right wheel rotational velocities are used to control a differential drive robot using twist messages, which is the standard ROS uses.

I hope these hints are enough for you to understand your equations better.



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Dear @rzegers,

Your answer to my question is somewhat incomplete. No questions have been answered.

Which is the forward kinematic, and which is the inverse?
Since I get the wheel spins from the Raspberry Pi, what is the conclusion?
What do I need to control the robot since I do not have angular and linear velocity?

Hello again,

Because it is old-made, the robot does not have wheel encoders. Can I implement forward kinematics without having the encoders?