URDF Code Python script

I really don’t understand the example my_mira_demo.py of 3rd unit from URDF for Robot modelling course which is 3.1 example. I want to get some explanation of how everything is used because here there is no explanation as well given in the script. And I also want to know if there is any platform to help these doubts with in few minutes because I’m also getting late responses here and also don’t understand when some of the codes is not functioning how to proceed to know the error caused. So kindly please answer to these questions. It would be helpful.


Sorry for the inconvenience of taking one day to answer questions, the time difference and our limited resources doesn’t allow us to answer faster.

As for the explanation of the unit 3.1, although your question is really broad ( I would suggest next time to be bit more precise in your questions ) I’ll try to answer you as well as I can. If you have more doubts , don’t hesitate to ask any time :), and we will answer as soon s possible.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import time
import rospy
from math import pi, sin, cos, acos
import random
from std_msgs.msg import Float64
from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState
Topics To Write on:
type: std_msgs/Float64

class MiraJointMover(object):

    def __init__(self):
	rospy.init_node('jointmover_demo', anonymous=True)
	rospy.loginfo("Mira JointMover Initialising...")
	self.pub_mira_roll_joint_position = rospy.Publisher('/mira/roll_joint_position_controller/command',
	self.pub_mira_pitch_joint_position = rospy.Publisher('/mira/pitch_joint_position_controller/command',
	self.pub_mira_yaw_joint_position = rospy.Publisher('/mira/yaw_joint_position_controller/command',
	joint_states_topic_name = "/mira/joint_states"
	rospy.Subscriber(joint_states_topic_name, JointState, self.mira_joints_callback)
	mira_joints_data = None
	while mira_joints_data is None:
	        mira_joints_data = rospy.wait_for_message(joint_states_topic_name, JointState, timeout=5)
	        rospy.logwarn("Time out " + str(joint_states_topic_name))

	self.mira_joint_dictionary = dict(zip(mira_joints_data.name, mira_joints_data.position))

    def move_mira_all_joints(self, roll, pitch, yaw):
	angle_roll = Float64()
	angle_roll.data = roll
	angle_pitch = Float64()
	angle_pitch.data = pitch
	angle_yaw = Float64()
	angle_yaw.data = yaw

    def move_mira_roll_joint(self, position):
	limits radians : lower="-0.2" upper="0.2"
	:param position:
	angle = Float64()
	angle.data = position

    def move_mira_pitch_joint(self, position):
	limits radians : lower="0" upper="0.44"
	:param position:
	angle = Float64()
	angle.data = position

    def move_mira_yaw_joint(self, position):
	Limits : continuous, no limits
	:param position:
	angle = Float64()
	angle.data = position

    def mira_joints_callback(self, msg):
	std_msgs/Header header
	uint32 seq
	time stamp
	string frame_id
	string[] name
	float64[] position
	float64[] velocity
	float64[] effort

	:param msg:
	self.mira_joint_dictionary = dict(zip(msg.name, msg.position))

    def mira_check_joint_value(self, joint_name, value, error=0.1):
	Check the joint by name 'pitch_joint', 'roll_joint', 'yaw_joint' is near the value given
	:param value:
	similar = self.mira_joint_dictionary.get(joint_name) >= (value - error ) and self.mira_joint_dictionary.get(joint_name) <= (value + error )

	return similar

    def convert_angle_to_unitary(self, angle):
	Removes complete revolutions from angle and converts to positive equivalent
	if the angle is negative
	:param angle: Has to be in radians
	# Convert to angle between [0,360)
	complete_rev = 2 * pi
	mod_angle = int(angle / complete_rev)
	clean_angle = angle - mod_angle * complete_rev
	# Convert Negative angles to their corresponding positive values
	if clean_angle < 0:
	    clean_angle += 2 * pi

	return clean_angle

    def assertAlmostEqualAngles(self, x, y,):
	c2 = (sin(x) - sin(y)) ** 2 + (cos(x) - cos(y)) ** 2
	angle_diff = acos((2.0 - c2) / 2.0)
	return angle_diff

    def mira_check_continuous_joint_value(self, joint_name, value, error=0.1):
	Check the joint by name 'pitch_joint', 'roll_joint', 'yaw_joint' is near the value given
	We have to convert the joint values removing whole revolutions and converting negative versions
	of the same angle
	:param value:
	joint_reading = self.mira_joint_dictionary.get(joint_name)
	clean_joint_reading = self.convert_angle_to_unitary(angle=joint_reading)
	clean_value = self.convert_angle_to_unitary(angle=value)

	dif_angles = self.assertAlmostEqualAngles(clean_joint_reading, clean_value)
	similar = dif_angles <= error

	return similar

    def mira_movement_sayno(self):
	Make Mira say no with the head
	check_rate = 5.0
	position = 0.7

	rate = rospy.Rate(check_rate)
	for repetition in range(2):
	    similar = False
	    while not similar:
	        # This is because, when publishing a topic, the first time doesn't always work.
	        similar = self.mira_check_continuous_joint_value(joint_name="yaw_joint", value=position)

	    position *= -1

    def mira_movement_look(self, roll, pitch, yaw):
	Make Mira look down
	check_rate = 5.0
	position_roll = roll
	position_pitch = pitch
	position_yaw = yaw

	similar_roll = False
	similar_pitch = False
	similar_yaw = False
	rate = rospy.Rate(check_rate)
	while not (similar_roll and similar_pitch and similar_yaw):
	    self.move_mira_all_joints(position_roll, position_pitch, position_yaw)
	    similar_roll = self.mira_check_continuous_joint_value(joint_name="roll_joint", value=position_roll)
	    similar_pitch = self.mira_check_continuous_joint_value(joint_name="pitch_joint", value=position_pitch)
	    similar_yaw = self.mira_check_continuous_joint_value(joint_name="yaw_joint", value=position_yaw)

    def mira_lookup(self):


    def mira_lookdown(self):


    def mira_movement_laugh(self, set_rpy=False, roll=0.05, pitch=0.0, yaw=1.57, n_giggle=15):
	Giggle in a given pitch yaw configuration
	position_roll = roll
	position_pitch = pitch
	position_yaw = yaw
	for repetitions in range(n_giggle):
	    if set_rpy:
	        self.move_mira_all_joints(position_roll, position_pitch, position_yaw)
	    position_roll *= -1

    def mira_moverandomly(self):
	roll = random.uniform(-0.15, 0.15)
	pitch = random.uniform(0.0, 0.3)
	yaw = random.uniform(0.0, 2*pi)
	self.mira_movement_look(roll, pitch, yaw)

    def movement_random_loop(self):
	Executed movements in a random way
	rospy.loginfo("Start Moving Mira...")
	while not rospy.is_shutdown():

if __name__ == "__main__":
    mira_jointmover_object = MiraJointMover()

Ok so there is quite a bit of code to comment on.

  1. First of all, this URDF course is not meant to explain basic ROS concept, thats why you have the ROS in 5 Days course and the Python3 Course. There all the topics, services , python classes are explained. So I assume that is understood, otherwise, I would strongly suggest to do those courses first.

  2. First lets comment on the main loop:

     if __name__ == "__main__":
         mira_jointmover_object = MiraJointMover()

Here you are initializing the Class MiraJointMover ( that will be in charge of publishing in the command topics, the angles to which to move the robot ).
Then you call the movement_random_loop(), which sends random angles to the three joints of the mira robot to move it around.

  1. Then insid ethe class we initialise the Joint command publishers ( that will be in charge of sending the command t the joint controllers ) to move them:

        self.pub_mira_roll_joint_position = rospy.Publisher('/mira/roll_joint_position_controller/command',
       self.pub_mira_pitch_joint_position = rospy.Publisher('/mira/pitch_joint_position_controller/command',
        self.pub_mira_yaw_joint_position = rospy.Publisher('/mira/yaw_joint_position_controller/command',

These topics are generated by the controllers you added in the spawn of the robot in gazebo.

  1. Then we check that the topic of /mira/joint_states is working, and create a subscriber to it. This is used to check that the joint commands sent by the publishers are indeed set.

     rospy.Subscriber(joint_states_topic_name, JointState, self.mira_joints_callback)
     mira_joints_data = None
     while mira_joints_data is None:
             mira_joints_data = rospy.wait_for_message(joint_states_topic_name, JointState, timeout=5)
             rospy.logwarn("Time out " + str(joint_states_topic_name))
     self.mira_joint_dictionary = dict(zip(mira_joints_data.name, mira_joints_data.position))

The last line generated a dictionary that we will use t be able to easily know the positions of teach of the joints.

  1. And now we have a look and the movent_random_loop():

    def movement_random_loop(self):
     Executed movements in a random way
     rospy.loginfo("Start Moving Mira...")
     while not rospy.is_shutdown():

This moves the joints to a random position with mira_moverandomly and the executes the mira_movement_laugh that is a predefined movement of the head that emulates as if the mira root was laughing. And then it reapeats the process indefenetely.

  1. And now we have a look at the mira_move_randomly:

     def mira_movement_look(self, roll, pitch, yaw):
     Make Mira look down
     check_rate = 5.0
     position_roll = roll
     position_pitch = pitch
     position_yaw = yaw
     similar_roll = False
     similar_pitch = False
     similar_yaw = False
     rate = rospy.Rate(check_rate)
     while not (similar_roll and similar_pitch and similar_yaw):
         self.move_mira_all_joints(position_roll, position_pitch, position_yaw)
         similar_roll = self.mira_check_continuous_joint_value(joint_name="roll_joint", value=position_roll)
         similar_pitch = self.mira_check_continuous_joint_value(joint_name="pitch_joint", value=position_pitch)
         similar_yaw = self.mira_check_continuous_joint_value(joint_name="yaw_joint", value=position_yaw)

Here we give as input an angle value for each of the three joints of mira robot and then execute the mira_check_continuous_joint_value. The reason we check is because the controllers of this robot don’t behave perfectly and sending an angle command to each joint sometimes doen’t work instantly. That’s why we need to check. This issued when we want to be sure , though sensor/encoders that the robot is where we told him to go.

And thats quite it. If you have any more questions, pleasedont hesitate to make them.

Hello Sir,
Is there any possibility of getting to learn about this code by video meeting or something because this seems to be advanced though I have done ROS basics in 5 days.


I would recommend you to do the python3 course first to get a better understanding of these kind of structures.

After that if you have doubts don’t hesitate to ask them here, but please be precise about your questions. Its useless to ask things like : I don’t understand anything, because that way its really difficult to help you