Ur3 Project Part1 Problem

Someone please tell about the error, in rviz every thing is working fine but nothing happens in gazebo, I
tried to solve it but couldnot, Kindly help. ros_controller.yaml file and error images are attached.


Hello @misbahsuhail123 ,

We would need some extra data in order debug this issue. For instance:

  • What is the launch file you are executing? What are the contents of this launch file?
  • Could you post the complete output you get when running this launch file?

Thanks Alberto for ur quick response, I am sharing the launch file and error i am getting.

  1. One thing i want to ask the arm base shown in gazebo is like fixed on ground but in rviz it is shown on a box like shape? do we need to add virtual joints?
  2. Secondly the initial position of arm is taken as start and the final as home with all joint values at 0.
    Kindly help about the error attached.


Hello @misbahsuhail123 ,

The problem, as indicated in the error message, is with the arm_controller configuration. I can see in the error message that you have named one of the joints wrist_3_joints, but the real name of the joint is wrist_3_joint (without the final “s”). Probably that’s the error.

Although this file ros_controller.yaml creat during moveit pkg, anyways i removed this error but again i am not getting the required result,
First thing, i am getting the same state after launch file execution the video of fetch robot i had sent you, if robot recieving multiple data then from where it is getting, I am following the same steps as mentioned.
Needed help please.

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Hello @misbahsuhail123 ,

Try commenting out / removing this lines from your launch file:

<node name="joint_state_publisher" pkg="joint_state_publisher" type="joint_state_publisher">
  <param name="/use_gui" value="false"/>
  <rosparam param="/source_list">[/joint_states]</rosparam>