Unit 6: Project. basic_grasping_perception node not working properly

Hello, I am working on Unit 6: Project in the last part, grasping. As shown in Unit 5: Grasping, I created two files:


  <!-- Start Perception -->
  <node name="basic_grasping_perception" pkg="simple_grasping" type="basic_grasping_perception" >
    <rosparam command="load" file="$(find simple_grasping)/config/rb1_simple_grasping.yaml" />


and rb1_simple_grasping.yaml:

# yaml file for package simple_grasping with rosnode "basic_grasping_perception"



  tool_to_planning_frame: 0.082 #0.180    # should be 0.165 after fix the simple_grasping

  # finger tips are 195mm from wrist_roll_link, fingers are 60mm deep

  finger_depth: 0.103 #0.020

  gripper_tolerance: 0.05


    min: 0.145

    desired: 0.15


    min: 0.145

    desired: 0.15

use_debug: True

When running the launch file and rb1_planning_execution.launch, and adding in RVIZ 2 point clouds to check the object and support clouds, nothing is shown, even when the OctoMap for both the table and cube are visible. Also in the corresponding topics /basic_grasping_perception/object_cloud and /basic_grasping_perception/support_cloud nothing is being published. This is my simulation set-up:

a) Could you help me to figure out what is wrong in my node set-up?
b) I just estimated the dimensions for the gripper from a technical drawing. Could you provide the parameters of the gripper to correctly set the yaml file?

Thank you in advance

Hi Humberto,

Which course and unit is this? And which exercise are you trying to solve?

You have posted this in ROS Basics in 5 Days, but it does not seem to be related to this course.

Sorry, it was a mistake. I just changed it to the ROS Manipulation in 5 days course

Hello @Humberto ,

We are working on modifying some things in this project in order to make it more accessible to students. I suggest you move on to other courses in the meantime. I’ll let you know once we have updated it.

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Ok, I will. Is the project required to get a certificate for this course? Or is a certificate for this course not available?
Thank you

No, this project is not required for the certificate. Instead, you need to do the Real Robot Project.

Please see:

  1. Course details.
  2. How to get a certificate.