Topics Quiz Grading Error

During the grading of my Topics Quiz, I missed points for “not subscribed to /kobuki/laser/scan”.
Here is the breakdown of the marks:

  • topics_quiz pkg found (mark: 1.0)
  • Correctly publishing on /cmd_vel (mark: 4.0)
  • ! Not subscribed to /kobuki/laser/scan (mark: 4.0)
  • Avoid the obstacle correctly (mark: 7.0)

My code:

#! /usr/bin/python
import rospy

from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
from sensor_msgs.msg import LaserScan

class Avoid_Wall:
    def __init__(self):
        # init node

        # init subscriber and publisher
        self.sub = rospy.Subscriber('/kobuki/laser/scan', LaserScan, self.callback) = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=1)

        # optional: init Publisher msgs for easier access
        self.move = Twist() # class Twist(genpy.Message)

        # no need to init Subscriber msgs as you receive them in your `callback` function
        # self.laser_scan = LaserScan() # class LaserScan(genpy.Message)


    def callback(self, msg):
        self.laser_scan = msg # class LaserScan(genpy.Message)
        r = self.laser_scan.ranges # 720 len array; 0 is right side, 719 is left side
        if r[180] > 1 and r[360] > 1 and r[540] > 1:
            print('Moving forward!')
            self.move.linear.x = .2
            self.move.angular.z = 0
            print('Object in front! Turning Left!')
            self.move.linear.x = .1
            self.move.angular.z = .5
        if r[0] < 1:
            print('Object on right!')
        if r[719] < 1:
            print('Object on left!')

    def start(self):
        rospy.spin() # loop: passes msg to callback in subscriber

if __name__=='__main__':
    node = Avoid_Wall()

Nevermind, it was because I didn’t correctly name the node as topics_quiz_node in my launch file.