Topics Quiz - Created a subscriber, but failed quiz

I created a subscriber to read from ‘/kobuki/laser/scan’, but failed that part of the quiz (I passed everything else). Is there something I am missing where I have to give my subscriber a specific name?

Subscriber portion of my code - I put everything in one file:

sub = rospy.Subscriber('/kobuki/laser/scan',LaserScan,callback)


Hi @WillBrennan,

based on the code you pasted, it seems you subscribed correctly.

Could it be that your node has name other than topics_quiz_node then?

Because we check to make sure the subscriber name is exactly topics_quiz_node.

If your subscriber name is correct, could you then sent me the code in private so that I can re-run from my side?

A post was split to a new topic: Topics Quiz being failed but code is working when run. Please help