The simulation and shells of unit 7 ROS in 5 Days are stuck in loading

Hi there,

It appears that the simulation and shells of unit 7 ROS in 5 Days are stuck in loading Jan 19, 2020 10:38 GMT.

Websockets appears to be stuck in 101 Switching Protocols.

Response of

         "title":"ROS Basics in 5 Days",
               "title":"ROS Deconstruction",
               "title":"ROS Basics",
               "title":"Understanding ROS Topics - Publishers",
               "title":"Understanding ROS Topics -  Subscribers & Messages",
               "title":"Understanding ROS Services - Clients",
               "title":"Understanding ROS Services - Server",
               "title":"Using Python Classes in ROS",
               "title":"Understanding ROS Actions - Clients",
               "title":"Understanding ROS Actions - Servers",
               "title":"How to Debug ROS Programs",
               "title":"PROJECT - Help TurtleBot Robot Get Out of the Maze",
               "title":"Appendix 1. Local ROS installation",
               "title":"Appendix 2. Manage ROS workspaces",
               "title":"Recommendation after the course",


Sorry, where is the play button supposed to be on the dashboard?

Hi @kkkkkk,

We are working on solving this problem, please bear with us. Kindly ignore the “play button” part.

Hi @kkkkkk,

Could you please check again and share a screenshot if it still doesn’t load? I have tested that the simulation and shell are loading for all units.

It works now, thanks.