The evaluation of my actions quiz was not right


The evaluation of my actions quiz said that “the drone did not take off”, but it actually did (and everything else is correct on my program).

Not that I care too much about these marks, but I thought I’d let you know. Moving on…


Hi @paedusan,

Thank you for your feedback; we appreciate it.

Could you please send me your actions quiz package and let me have a look? This would help us identify the points of “disagreements” between the autograder and your package, and will help to improve the autograder. Send to

Thanks again, looking forward to hearing from you!

Hi Bayodesegun,

Thanks for the reply. You can download my package from this link:

But I believe I know what happened, I zoomed my simulation viewer, then the autograder could not capture the TAKINGOFF as it was expecting.

If this is the case, then it’s an easy fix: together with the note to “stop the processes”, it should also be said: “reset the simulator”.



Hi @paedusan,

I have checked your quiz package. It’s working well indeed :+1:.

Now for the autocorrection, it has nothing to do with the zoom level of the simulator, as I also zoomed it during the grading. These are the important things that need to be in place:

  • ensure the action server (and any other process you’re running) is stopped.
  • ensure the drone is LANDED before starting the correction. Now I see this was not mentioned in the notebook, so we will include it in the next update.

I have reset your trials, so could you please try again and let us know?

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Cool! It all works now. Thanks!

I’ll move on to another course. Congrats on the great job with RobotIgnite. You rock!


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