Setting up Real lab bookings for Team/course


I would like to setup a remote lab so that students in my course (using my team) can book the robots to use during semester. We don’t necessarily need remote access, but it would be nice to use the real lab setup as a booking system for our course purposes. (it would also be beneficial to allow code developed on TheConstruct to be run on the robot, even if the students are supervising the robots in-person).

My questions are:

  • How can I setup the real lab so that only the students in my team can book robots? I don’t want other users of TheConstruct to book
  • It’s not clear to me how to share the booking link to the students in my team.

So far I have created a real remote lab and listed a couple of robots, but this is next step is unclear to me.

Thanks for any help.

I’m going to stick my nose in here (i am not from theconstruct).

You want a booking app?

There is one for agile project management is not a booking app but you could see in a kanban style and you can order in example reserve queue - reserved - done.

Unlimited team members for free subscription and you could share links and so on, its called miro.

reservation stack - reserved - done

Thanks for the quick suggestion @issaiass. Organisational-wise I prefer to keep the number of apps minimal if possible :slight_smile: I do other have potential approaches.

However, if students could deploy their code/run from TheConstruct directly without needing to otherwise copy, this would be an added advanctage to using TheConstruct remote lab tool.

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