Set up development environment on laptop

I have been going through your ROS navigation tutorial, and it going great… I would like to apply what i have learnt on my laptop which is connected to a physical lPRLIDAR…
how i set up my workspace like you simulation in the course so i can run things like

rosrun map_server map_saver -f name_of_map

is there a git repo i can download and add to my workspace? Sorry if this is a nood question…

Hello @darthShana,

Well, you should start by first installing ROS in your system, in case you haven’t yet ( After this, you can then install the navigation packages. For instance, in case you go for the Kinetic version, you could use the command:

sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-navigation

Then you will be able to start using commands like the one you’ve shown above.
