RVIZ MAP: Not received

Hi experts

I am with an issue in exercise 2.13

I changed the map_update rate as recommended by exercise. However my map is not created on Rviz, just the laser can be seen.

In Rviz interface I reveive the following warn message:

Status Warn
Message: Map not received

I really don’t understand the reason, because the other rosnode from the lesson produces the map
the turtle_bot_navigation_gazebo gmapping_demo.launch. And when I load Rviz personal configuration is ok for this node.
But for my node which is exactly the same from the solution: my_gmapping…etc the map is not received. However in the terminal there is not any error message built! The map only appears when I launch the node “provide_map etc” created previously in this class form chapter 2 of Navigation course. How I can fix this issue and visualize the map?

Thanks in advance

Hello @marcusvini178,

Can you please send me your package/s to aezquerro@theconstructsim.com? I will check what’s the problem and let you know asap.
