Run motors on hector quadrotor demo at thecosntructsim

Hello everyone,

I am using the consctructim with the projects linux namespace as “user” and I have downloaded hector quadrotor demo. I need to enable its motors with running the service

rosservice call /enable_motors “enable: true”

but it gives me the error

ERROR: Service [/[namespace/]enable_motors] is not available

I list the currently available services

rosservice list


but there is no service as /enable_motors. I asked the implementers of the hector quadrotor demo and they asked me to check if the service is available in different namespace. Should I change the namespace of linux from “user” to something else or do they mean simply to try one of these active services or they meant some other thing than these two?

Thanks for your answers


Normally in drones there is a topic called /take_off, where you just publish and the drone takes off y itself.
** /engage** also looks promissing.