Rosject related query

Hello there Sir, would you mind telling me what does this mean?

This was on the last page of Linux course, Recommendations after the course. This linux was my first course I completed in theconstructsim. So:

  1. Do I need to create a rosject now?
  2. What is this Basic, Pro I and Pro II?

Hello @abdulbasitisdost,

No, this is not something you have to do but just a recommendation. This is a ROSject (ROS project) of a Live Class. We do Live Classes every week explaining different ROS/robotics concepts. You can have a look at any of them in order to keep learning/practicing other ROS topics. However, if you just finished the Linux course, I suggest you keep going with the Python for robotics course, which would be the next one in the learning path.


Thank you Sir for your valuable response