ROS2 Manipulation - Perception with ROS2 - Exercise 2.1 - no tf data

I am literally just following the tutorial as titled above and am stuck. I have managed to spawn an object that I want to view in rviz2.

I have included parameters

  • /wrist_rgbd/depth/camera_info
  • /wrist_rgbd/depth/points

then launched them:

cd ~/catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch load_params load_params.launch

then run the bridge:

source /home/simulations/ros2_sims_ws/install/setup.bash
ros2 run ros1_bridge parameter_bridge __name:=parameter_bridge

but when I run:

source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash

No object is seen like it is in gazebo, and though I can see both new parameters in the ros2 list, rviz2 shows nothing and also gives the error “Global Status Warning - fixed frame - no tf data - actual error: Frame[map does not…]”

I think I have followed the tutorial to the letter… but still this error! Any help please?

Hello @gregmcdowell ,

This error, Global Status Warning - fixed frame - no tf data - actual error: Frame[map does not…], indicates that the frame map does not exist, which is true for this case, If you want to visualize something in RViz2, you must first select a fixed frame that exists. For this case, the frame to select should be base_link (which is the frame of the base of the arm).

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