ROS2 Basic in 5 Days C++ - Unit 4.7 Services Quiz


i got a problem with the custom service interface. When i build the services_quiz_srv Interfaces with colcon everything works fine:

The custom service interface also appears in the ros2 interface list.

But when start to implement the service server for services_quiz and trz to include the custom service interface, the IDE cannot find the include path.

following the colcon build error message:

Hi @mosgaed ,

I think your include line is wrong.

#include "services_quiz_srv/services_quiz_srv/srv/spin.hpp" // this is wrong
#include "services_quiz_srv/srv/spin.hpp" // this is correct

Let me know if this fixes your problem!


Hi @girishkumar.kannan,

thank you for your answer. This helped to get rid of the include error. But now i have a problem from clang


Hi @mosgaed ,

Please ignore these errors. Even I had these errors when I did the course.
These are like false-positives. Ignore these errors that the IDE gives you.
Follow only the errors that you get on webshell (terminal) when you compile the package (with colcon).

You do not have any issues right now. Proceed with colcon build and execution!

Let me know if you have any problems.


Okay, thank you for your advice @girishkumar.kannan!

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