ROS Python Course Project TurtleBot 3 Issues - robot hitting walls

Hi all,
I searched for this topic before publishing and didn’t find anything similar…
so here it goes:
I am at 96% on my ROS Basics with python - Only the presentation left
Unfortunately, it is over a month I can’t debug a strange problem.

My robot is acting ok when launched on gazebo sim, BUT
when going on a real robot the robot has some kind of delay it recognizes the next wall in front of him very late

i set the code that if the wall detected under 0.5 → TURN LEFT

but the lidar scan comes very late and the robot already stuck face in the wall
I tried different Rates -5hz, 10hz, 25hz

I attach my code below the part in question is under the scan_callback function and starts with a comment
#when the robot needs to turn to next wall
and it where the front scan is <0.5 but bigger than >0.15

i feel i am doing something fundamentally wrong , at the beginning of me working on this project everything was great it looks I added something which made it go bad

p.s rviz on real robot shows good lidar scans around the turtlebot

#! /usr/bin/env python
# this is subscriber and publisher on the same Node!
# I subscribed to the Laser data and publish New Velocities under the Twist() topic!
import os
import rospy
from sensor_msgs.msg import LaserScan
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
from rosject_part2_pkg.srv import FindWall, FindWallRequest

class WallFollower:

    def __init__(self):
        # Initialize PID constants
        self.Kp = 0.50
        self.Ki = 0.0
        self.Kd = 0.20
        self.Need_calibration = True
        self.rate = 25  # Hz
        self.r = rospy.Rate(self.rate)
        # Initialize error values
        self.error_sum = 0.0
        self.last_error = 0.0
        # Initialize obstacle avoidance flag
        self.avoid_obstacle = False
        self.stuckon_on_wall = False
        # Set the desired distance from the wall
        self.desired_distance = 0.25


        # Subscribe to the LIDAR scan data
        rospy.Subscriber("/scan", LaserScan, self.scan_callback)
        # Publish to the turtlebot's velocity topic
        self.velocity_publisher = rospy.Publisher(
            "/cmd_vel", Twist, queue_size=10)

        # set front and right variales

        # front_distance = min(data.ranges[315:405]) CHANGED
        self.front_distance = 0
        self.right_distance = 0
        self.right_frnt_distance = 0
        self.right_rear_distance = 0
        # if its the first run we need to find the wall first.
        if self.Need_calibration is True:

    def service_call_func(self):  # this is the service server client call

        # Wait for the service client /find_wall to be running
        # Create the connection to the service
        find_wall_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('/find_wall', FindWall)
        # Create an object of type find_wall_object to hold the requset sent to server
        find_wall_object = FindWallRequest()
        # Fill the variable find_wall_object of this object with the desired value 'go' to find wall / 'END' to terminate server
        find_wall_object.str = 'go'
        result = find_wall_service(find_wall_object)
        rospy.loginfo("result of finding wall = %s", result)

        if result.wallfound is True:
            self.Need_calibration = False
            rospy.logdebug("need calibration is = False")

    def terminate_wall_find_server(self):  # /wall_find node termination call

        # Wait for the service client //find_wall to be running
        # Create the connection to the service
        find_wall_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('/find_wall', FindWall)
        # Create an object of type find_wall_object
        find_wall_object = FindWallRequest()
        # Fill the variable find_wall_object of this object with the desired value 'go' to find wall / 'END' to terminate server
        find_wall_object.str = 'END'
        result = find_wall_service(find_wall_object)
        rospy.loginfo("result of terminating service = %s", result)
        if result.wallfound is True:
            # KILL SSERVICE NODE
            os.system('rosnode kill /findwall_service_server_node ')

    # *****************************************************************************************************************************

    def scan_callback(self, data):

        self.front_distance = data.ranges[359]
        self.right_distance = min(data.ranges[90:270])
        self.right_frnt_distance = data.ranges[269]
        self.right_rear_distance = data.ranges[89]

        # main wall following metod

        if self.Need_calibration is False:
            # wall already found Need_Calibration= False
            # minimum of the front 15% of array

            rospy.logdebug("front_distance = %f", self.front_distance)
            rospy.logdebug("right_distance = %f",  self.right_distance)
            # robot stuck face to wall/obstacle
            if self.front_distance < 0.15:
                vel_msg = Twist()
                vel_msg.linear.x = -0.05
                vel_msg.angular.z = 0.00
                print("robot stuck face to wall")
                #self.r.sleep() CHANGE
                # self.r.sleep()

            # case that robot needs to turn to next wall        
            if self.front_distance < 0.50 and self.front_distance > 0.15:
                self.avoid_obstacle = True

                if  self.avoid_obstacle:
                    vel_msg = Twist()
                    vel_msg.linear.x = 0.02
                    vel_msg.angular.z = 0.50
                    print("avoid wall")
                    #self.r.sleep() CHANGE
                    if self.front_distance > 0.50:
                        self.avoid_obstacle = False

            if self.right_distance > 100.0:
                self.stuckon_on_wall = True
                vel_msg = Twist()
                vel_msg.linear.x = 0.01
                vel_msg.angular.z = 0.5

            if self.stuckon_on_wall is True and self.right_distance < 100.0:

                self.stuckon_on_wall = False


                error = self.desired_distance - self.right_distance
                #error = self.right_frnt_distance - self.right_rear_distance
                # Calculate the integral
                self.error_sum += error
                # Calculate the derivative
                error_derivative = error - self.last_error
                # Calculate the output
                output = self.Kp * error + self.Ki * self.error_sum + self.Kd * error_derivative
                rospy.logdebug("Output = %f", output)

                # Create a Twist message to control the turtlebot's velocity
                vel_msg = Twist()
                vel_msg.linear.x = 0.05
                vel_msg.angular.z = output
                # Publish the velocity message
                str_pub = "publishing"
                # before publishing -filter the output speed to top of 0.5 rad/sec
                if output > 0.5 or output < -0.5:
                    rospy.logwarn("filtered the z speed to 0.5")

                # Update the previous error
                self.last_error = error
                #self.r.sleep()  CHANGE

    def shutdownhook(self):
        # define the above mentioned function and send the twist messages here to stop the robot
        rospy.loginfo("Stopping the robot...")
        vel_msg = Twist()
        vel_msg.linear.x = 0.0
        vel_msg.angular.z = 0.0


if __name__ == '__main__':

    rospy.init_node('laser_subscriber_node', log_level=rospy.DEBUG)
    vel = Twist()
    wall_follower = WallFollower()

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this happens to me. please we need urgent response. thank you