Ros in 5 days, final project

hello, I am created "record_odom.action, I tested with “rosmsg list | grep record_odom”. I think that oke however when i import it in project and run then i got this error. please help me how to solve this error.


Did you run source devel/setup.bash after running catkin_make(from the catkin_ws directory)?

yes i have run source devel/setup.bash

When I checked your code and ran source devel/setup.bash, the error disappeared :wink:

user:~/catkin_ws$ source devel/setup.bash
user:~/catkin_ws$ rosrun my_turtlebot_topics 
# no output
^Cuser:~/catkin_ws$ rosrun my_turtlebot_topics
[INFO] [1603707750.954718, 2752.046000]: Waiting for action Server