Regarding ROS2 Basics in C++ Course Update

Hi The Construct Team,

I have been wanting to start ROS2 Basics in 5 Days with C++ soon and waiting on the course update.

There is a note on the first unit of the course that the current version is deprecated and will be updated on September 26 (today). So far no updates yet.

I wish to start soon. When will it be updated?

Thanks in advance,

Hi The Construct Team,

I can now see the updated course for ROS2 Basics in Galactic for C++.

I have a few questions / doubts:

  1. Since you have updated ROS2 Course structure from old to new and from Foxy to Galactic, will this affect the Python version of ROS2 course?, That is, would you be migrating ROS2 Python from Foxy to Galactic?

  2. I see that the link to fork the ROSject for the course project is the same for the Old ROS2 C++ course and for the New ROS2 C++ course. Both seem to be using Foxy (at the moment). Will this be changed to Galactic?
    Old ROS2 Course Project Link: https:// app . theconstructsim . com /#/l/ 3de839f6/
    New ROS2 Course Project Link: https:// app . theconstructsim . com /#/l/ 3de839f6/
    The links seem to be the same [added spaces in URL to remove auto-hyperlinking]

  3. Will the old ROS2 C++ course “ROS2 Basics in 5 Days (C++)” be scrubbed from your website after October 21?
    [Refer to second course image in “Your recent courses” in the attached image of my courses homepage, below].

Just want to get these clarified before I start the course. [Sorry for this long post.]

Thanks in advance,

Hello @girishkumar.kannan ,

  1. I don’t think so. Most likely, the Python course will be updated directly to Humble in the following months.

  2. Yes, the project remains the same as for the old course.

  3. Yes, the old course will be removed from the website after October 21.

Hi @albertoezquerro ,

Thank you very much for the reply and clarifications!

– Girish

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