Recommendations for WSL setup

Hi all!

I am running Windows 10, I have Ubuntu 18.04, Putty, and VcXsrc. but I am a bit confused about how to get the same workspace as The Construct Course (IDE, Terminal…etc.) or how to get them talking to one another.

I downloaded PyCharm with Python 2.7. I am totally lost about what to do next! Do I just save python code and upload it to my robot and run it?
Any guidance would be appreciated.

I took a robotics course at UBC this year and used WSL for my assignments. I made a guide here that sums up what I’d recommend for getting set up. The main points are listed below.

I’d recommend using VS Code as the IDE instead. It more closely matches the Theia IDE used in the Construct courses. There are extensions called “Remote - WSL” and “ROS” to get it to communicate with WSL and add ROS integration and syntax highlighting. After installing these, you can use the terminal and execute code . to open the IDE inside your current directory.

I’d recommend using the Windows Terminal from the Microsoft Store instead of the basic one that comes with the Ubuntu installation. You can configure it to open your Ubuntu installation by default.

I’m not sure what you mean by uploading your code to your robot using WSL. You can use WSL to run simulations inside Gazebo but using a physical robot is different. The process will vary between different robots.

Thank you acis.ubc, I will look at your guide. You wrote some good information I need to digest.

For uploading my code to the robot (Leo Rover), I installed “WinSCP” that transfers files between my PC and the Remote PC (Robot/RaspberryPi). I’m still trying to grasp the idea of what is used for what; difference between Putty (SSH) and using Ubuntu, or the Window Terminal you mentioned vs. Ubuntu. Or how to run Python IDE of the files inside the Robot??!