Quiz correction loading long


As you can see on the picture my quiz correction is loading, i tried it 3-4 times to load new and it is loading infite and not correcting my quiz. What should i do ?

Hello @DanijelStojanovic,

Have you closed all the programs in the Shell before running the correction?


I dont see any programs running in the shell.

I have the same problem

Could you please help? I have the same problem with the exam for “Linux for Robotics”. I have enabled all the exams for the students.

I also killed every process which is not necessary but it doesn’t works. Sometimes the first three parts load but this needs 40 minutes.


Could you please send me the packages/folders you are using to correct this exams/quizzes to aezquerro@theconstructsim.com? It seems like I’ll need to check them manually in order to find what’s going on.

Sorry for the inconveniences,