Possible bug and suggested improvements for the ROS Basics course

On 2-ROSBasics

Shouldn’t the user stop the running code with Ctrl-C after example 1.7 is complete?
@ Webshell 1

Example 1.7

Type this command in a new shell and look for the node you’ve just initiated (ObiWan).

Execute in WebShell #1

rosnode list
You can’t find it? I know you can’t. That’s because the node is killed when the Python program ends.
Let’s change that.

Update your Python file simple.py with the following code:

On 2 - ROS Basics
Example 1.6 (hopefully to be called Example 2.6 in a near future)
Do you need to add a Figure number like Figure1.2


Quick question / suggestion.
Example 1.x twice on ROSBasicsIn5Days


Example 1.1

Example 1.2

Example 1.3

Example 1.4

Then on

Example 1.1

Example 1.2

Example 1.3

Example 1.4

Shouldn’t the examples on 2-ROSBasics be 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.x …


On Example 1.1,

Would the command to stop the robot be

roslaunch publisher_example stop.launch

It is currently showing as

roslaunch publisher_example move.launch

Whenever you want to stop moving the robot, and in order to stop the program, just press Ctrl + C in the WebShell.

NOTE: You will notice that, even after stopping the program, the robot will still keep moving. In order to stop it, you will have to execute another command.

Now select WebShell #2 and execute the following command in order to stop the Kobuki robot.

Execute in WebShell #2

In :

roslaunch publisher_example move.launch

Hi @jacks!

Thanks so much for pointing out the bug and suggesting the improvements. We love hearing from our clients and we appreciate the feedback so much.

We will look into this and let you know. Thanks again!

By the way, welcome to the Community!