Package.xml in custom interface creation

I am confused on package.xml modification for custom interface creation.

For custom message and service interface, I was told to add


while for custom action interface, I was told to add

< depend>rosidl_default_generators< /depend>

It seems I can not put both there. I got a redundant error.

Please help.



Just add those lines to your package.xml:

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Hi @ljiang ,

<depend>...</> is same as defining <build_depend>...</> AND <exec_depend>...</>.

So, if you define all the three tags, you will get redundancy error.

So, if any package is both the build and execution dependency, put it as <depend>.


rosidl_default_runtime has different name from rosidl_default_generators. That make me think < depend>…</> maybe slightly different from <build_depend>…</> and <exec_depend>…</>.

Hi @ljiang ,

This is what I meant:

  1. <depend>...</> AND <build_depend>...</> will cause redundancy.
  2. <depend>...</> AND <exec_depend>...</> will cause redundancy.

So If you have:
It is better to use only <depend>...</>.

So, at the end you will have:


I did not tell you to remove rosidl_default_runtime.

I hope this clarifies your doubt.


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