No module named my_custom_srv_msg_pkg.srv how to resolve this error?

i’ve created a srv file called MyCustomServiceMessage.srv in srv folder of my_custom_srv_msg_pkg package.
i didn’t get any error during execution of source devel/setup.bash and catkin_make steps.
can you please tell me what’s going wrong with my code when i tried to import the above srv from the line
from my_custom_srv_msg_pkg.srv import MyCustomServiceMessage,
I also tried deleting the build folder from catkin_ws and rebuilding it.
still its not working.


Just like your other question, I think it should be something in the message creation process, as mentioned in the post below:

I also tried br creating a new package, but still not able to resolve it, can you please look into my code and let me know where i’m going wrong?
Its been very long and I tried everyting i can, but cant figure what the actual problem is.

After typing source devel/setup.bash in every shell errors got resolved.