My first launch file failed

Hi All
I was creating my first launch file in the Unit 2.6 and I get:

user:~/ros2_ws$ colcon build

Starting >>> my_package
Finished <<< my_package [1.13s]
Summary: 1 package finished [1.32s]

user:~/ros2_ws$ source ~/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash

ROS_DISTRO was set to ‘foxy’ before. Please make sure that the environment does not mix paths from different distributions.
ROS_DISTRO was set to ‘noetic’ before. Please make sure that the environment does not mix paths from different distributions.

user:~/ros2_ws$ ros2 launch my_package

file ‘’ was not found in the share directory of package ‘my_package’ which is at ‘/home/user/ros2_ws/install/my_package/share/my_package’

I have repeated all steps and seems ok. May it be the message before to source?


It seems I modified only the “console scripts” in setup.cfg adding the file “simple”. Later I copied/pasted the entire code from setup.cfg in 2.7 and all correct.


I’m sorry change setup.cfg by