Mesh of the turtlebot_2

Hello there,

The final project requires the mesh of turtlebot 2, I clone it from the link:

And copy the turtlebot_description folder to the HTML project folder.
It looks like this:

However, I still got errors when I run the page.

Could you please help me to deal with the problem?

The turtlebot description package you can copy it from:


Thats the one used by teh system .

I found the 3D view did not work until I copied over the kobuki_description package (cp -R $(rospack find kobuki_description) ~/webpage_ws/project/)

Hello @meclinto,

Yes, that is correct. You must copy the meshes to the web project folder. There is a specific instruction in the example that says:

cp -R $(rospack find pmb2_description) ~/webpage_ws/unit_09/
cp -R $(rospack find tiago_description) ~/webpage_ws/unit_09/

Could you make it work?

Please, let us know if you could proceed with the course or need some help!


I tried the following commands:
cp -R $(rospack find turtlebot_description) ~/webpage_ws/final_project
cp -R $(rospack find kobuki_description) ~/webpage_ws/final_project

based on the comments here. But I’m getting following errors:
GET 404 (File not found)

Why is it trying to search for the pmb2_description folder?
Can you please help out.

Hello @ritubhawal,

There may be some reference to such folder in your code, if I remember well, it could come from the example. Would you mind to share this part of the code?


I couldn’t find any reference to that folder in my code. My code looks something like:

setup3DViewer: function () {
this.viewer = new ROS3D.Viewer({
divID: ‘div3DViewer’,
width: 400,
height: 300,
antialias: true,
fixedFrame: ‘odom’

        this.viewer.addObject(new ROS3D.Grid({
            color: '#0181c4',
            cellSize: 0.5,
            num_cells: 20

        this.tfClient = new ROSLIB.TFClient({
            ros: this.ros,
            angularThres: 0.01,
            transThres: 0.01,
            rate: 10.0

        this.urdfClient = new ROS3D.UrdfClient({
            ros: this.ros,
            param: 'robot_description',
            tfClient: this.tfClient,
            path: window.location.href,
            rootObject: this.viewer.scene,
            loader: ROS3D.COLLADA_LOADER_2


Please check the line where there is:

This command reproduces the current URL of the page, which is

You can check, for example, using the code:

You should adjust the command that copy the files to use that folder webpage/ instead

I did copy in the correct folder.
I used:
cp -R $(rospack find turtlebot_description) ~/webpage_ws/final_project
cp -R $(rospack find kobuki_description) ~/webpage_ws/final_project

Still it’s trying to find pmb2_description and tiago_description. I can’t find any references to these folders at all.

You have to update the path variable to point to this folder:

this.urdfClient = new ROS3D.UrdfClient({
            ros: this.ros,
            param: 'robot_description',
            tfClient: this.tfClient,
            path: "",
            rootObject: this.viewer.scene,
            loader: ROS3D.COLLADA_LOADER_2

I tried that. Now I’m not getting any errors, but the robot doesn’t show up.

I understand.

Unfortunately, I can’t reproduce the same situation. Could you download your workspace using the IDE and share it with me by e-mail?

Mine is

Hello @ritubhawal,

Thanks for your patience.

I am still investigating the reason why it happened specifically to turtlebot2 , it seems to be some kind of update the 3D render had.

Please, let us know if you have any news from your side.

I will keep you informed!


I tried to replicate the same thing on my local system using Reactjs, it worked fine there. But here I’m facing the same issue.