[Mastering Mobile Manipulators]

Hi, Sir, I am asking help.
I want to simulate what I learned in this course with my own computer.
With the URDF file, I succeed the command “roslaunch rbkairos_moveit_config demo.launch”.

But… when I command “rostopic list” it is different compare to when I tried at ROS IGNITE.
I could not see /robot/prefix and topic regarding arm.

And In my gazebo, there is nothing
(compare to ROS IGNITE, there is rbkairos-ur5).

Would you help me to run this program at my own computer?

Hello @hki,

Have you installed and launched the RBKairos simulation in your computer? Here you have the repository with the simulation packages: https://bitbucket.org/theconstructcore/rb_kairos_sim_new/src/master/

You will need to download the simulation packages into your workspace and compile it. Once everything is compiled, you will be able to launch the Gazebo simulation with the following command:

roslaunch rbkairos_sim_bringup_new rbkairos_complete.launch


Hi Sir,

I just followed your guide, but guess something is missing…
Would you let me know what is missing from mi side?
I just want to simulate same program at my own computer.

Hi Sir,

Sorry but as I am still working this problem.
Would you help on this?

Hello @hki,

From the error message, it looks like you don’t have the summit_xl_gazebo package. You would need to download it and compile it in your workspace. You can try to use our own version, which you can find here (make sure to use the branch kinetic-gazebo7): https://bitbucket.org/theconstructcore/summit_xl/src/kinetic-gazebo7/


1 Like

Dear. Sir,

Thank you for answer. :slight_smile: After I launch with the command, it works.
But unfortunately, I could not fine arm_controller topic with the command.
What is needed more if I could play the same course on my local computer?


Hi, I’m in the same situation as the latest comment of @hki

I already installed and compiled the packages mentioned above:
And the “roslaunch rbkairos_sim_bringup_new rbkairos_complete.launch” works.

But the “arm_controller” or “robot/arm_controller” topics aren’t listed so I can’t move the “real” (simulated) robot when I make the execution trajectory whit moveit.

Hope you could help me, many thanks!

Hello @DavidRedrejo ,

Is there any error in the launch logs??

Hello @albertoezquerro ,

Yes, there are a few errors and warnings, but I don’t know how to solve them.

This is the output when I type “roslaunch rbkairos_sim_bringup_new rbkairos_complete.launch”:

… logging to /home/david/.ros/log/4cfed202-d734-11eb-bfde-b0359f19f02d/roslaunch-david-pc-27411.log

Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.

Press Ctrl-C to interrupt

Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

deprecated: xacro tags should be prepended with ‘xacro’ xml namespace.

Use the following script to fix incorrect usage:

find . -iname “*.xacro” | xargs sed -i ‘s#<([/]?)(if|unless|include|arg|property|macro|insert_block)#<\1xacro:\2#g’

when processing file: /home/david/catkin_ws/src/rbkairos_common_new/rbkairos_description_new/robots/versions/rbkairos_ur5_egh.urdf.xacro

started roslaunch server http://david-pc:40397/




  • /robot/arm_controller/action_monitor_rate: 10

  • /robot/arm_controller/constraints/elbow_joint/goal: 0.1

  • /robot/arm_controller/constraints/elbow_joint/trajectory: 0.1

  • /robot/arm_controller/constraints/goal_time: 0.6

  • /robot/arm_controller/constraints/shoulder_lift_joint/goal: 0.1

  • /robot/arm_controller/constraints/shoulder_lift_joint/trajectory: 0.1

  • /robot/arm_controller/constraints/shoulder_pan_joint/goal: 0.1

  • /robot/arm_controller/constraints/shoulder_pan_joint/trajectory: 0.1

  • /robot/arm_controller/constraints/stopped_velocity_tolerance: 0.05

  • /robot/arm_controller/constraints/wrist_1_joint/goal: 0.1

  • /robot/arm_controller/constraints/wrist_1_joint/trajectory: 0.1

  • /robot/arm_controller/constraints/wrist_2_joint/goal: 0.1

  • /robot/arm_controller/constraints/wrist_2_joint/trajectory: 0.1

  • /robot/arm_controller/constraints/wrist_3_joint/goal: 0.1

  • /robot/arm_controller/constraints/wrist_3_joint/trajectory: 0.1

  • /robot/arm_controller/joints: ['robot_arm_shoul…

  • /robot/arm_controller/state_publish_rate: 25

  • /robot/arm_controller/stop_trajectory_duration: 0.5

  • /robot/arm_controller/type: position_controll…

  • /robot/gripper_controller/joint: robot_egh_gripper…

  • /robot/gripper_controller/type: position_controll…

  • /robot/joint_read_state_controller/publish_rate: 100.0

  • /robot/joint_read_state_controller/type: joint_state_contr…

  • /robot/robot_description: <?xml version="1…

  • /robot/twist_mux/locks: [{‘topic’: 'robot…

  • /robot/twist_mux/topics: [{‘topic’: 'pad_t…

  • /rosdistro: kinetic

  • /rosversion: 1.12.17

  • /use_sim_time: True



gazebo (gazebo_ros_new/gzserver)

gazebo_gui (gazebo_ros_new/gzclient)

start_laserscan_multi_merger_kairos (ira_laser_tools/start_rbkairos_laser_merger.sh)


controller_spawner (controller_manager/spawner)

controller_spawner_arm (controller_manager/spawner)

controller_spawner_gripper (controller_manager/spawner)

robot_state_publisher (robot_state_publisher/robot_state_publisher)

twist_mux (twist_mux/twist_mux)

urdf_spawner_rbkairos_model (gazebo_ros_new/spawn_model)


process[robot/robot_state_publisher-1]: started with pid [27449]

process[robot/urdf_spawner_rbkairos_model-2]: started with pid [27450]

process[robot/controller_spawner-3]: started with pid [27452]

process[robot/controller_spawner_arm-4]: started with pid [27464]

process[robot/controller_spawner_gripper-5]: started with pid [27471]

process[robot/twist_mux-6]: started with pid [27474]

  • set -e

  • ros_env_setup

  • echo -e ‘\033[1;34m\nSetting up ROS env’

  • set +x

/home/david/catkin_ws/src/ira_laser_tools/scripts/start_rbkairos_laser_merger.sh: línea 12: /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash: No existe el archivo o el directorio

process[start_laserscan_multi_merger_kairos-7]: started with pid [27490]

process[gazebo-8]: started with pid [27500]

[start_laserscan_multi_merger_kairos-7] process has died [pid 27490, exit code 1, cmd /home/david/catkin_ws/src/ira_laser_tools/scripts/start_rbkairos_laser_merger.sh __name:=start_laserscan_multi_merger_kairos __log:=/home/david/.ros/log/4cfed202-d734-11eb-bfde-b0359f19f02d/start_laserscan_multi_merger_kairos-7.log].

log file: /home/david/.ros/log/4cfed202-d734-11eb-bfde-b0359f19f02d/start_laserscan_multi_merger_kairos-7*.log

process[gazebo_gui-9]: started with pid [27517]

[INFO] [1624790531.859899, 0.000000]: Controller Spawner: Waiting for service controller_manager/load_controller

[INFO] [1624790531.889511, 0.000000]: Controller Spawner: Waiting for service controller_manager/load_controller

[INFO] [1624790531.978362, 0.000000]: Controller Spawner: Waiting for service controller_manager/load_controller

[ INFO] [1624790531.999236120]: Finished loading Gazebo ROS API Plugin.

[ INFO] [1624790532.004491170]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] has not been advertised, waiting…

[ INFO] [1624790532.070177840]: Finished loading Gazebo ROS API Plugin.

[ INFO] [1624790532.070656886]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] has not been advertised, waiting…

SpawnModel script started

[INFO] [1624790532.377355, 0.000000]: Loading model XML from ros parameter

[INFO] [1624790532.383994, 0.000000]: Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model

[WARN] [1624790562.065201, 0.000000]: Controller Spawner couldn’t find the expected controller_manager ROS interface.

[WARN] [1624790562.092818, 0.000000]: Controller Spawner couldn’t find the expected controller_manager ROS interface.

[WARN] [1624790562.186839, 0.000000]: Controller Spawner couldn’t find the expected controller_manager ROS interface.

[robot/controller_spawner-3] process has finished cleanly

log file: /home/david/.ros/log/4cfed202-d734-11eb-bfde-b0359f19f02d/robot-controller_spawner-3*.log

[robot/controller_spawner_arm-4] process has finished cleanly

log file: /home/david/.ros/log/4cfed202-d734-11eb-bfde-b0359f19f02d/robot-controller_spawner_arm-4*.log

[robot/controller_spawner_gripper-5] process has finished cleanly

log file: /home/david/.ros/log/4cfed202-d734-11eb-bfde-b0359f19f02d/robot-controller_spawner_gripper-5*.log

Error [parser.cc:581] Unable to find uri[model://test_zone]

[ INFO] [1624790609.490145728]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] is now available.

[ INFO] [1624790609.490791391]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] is now available.

[ INFO] [1624790609.616128679]: Physics dynamic reconfigure ready.

[INFO] [1624790609.619823, 0.000000]: Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model

[ INFO] [1624790609.645991378]: Physics dynamic reconfigure ready.

Warning [parser_urdf.cc:1232] multiple inconsistent <self_collide> exists due to fixed joint reduction overwriting previous value [true] with [false].

[ INFO] [1624790610.349810820]: Laser Plugin: Using the ‘robotNamespace’ param: ‘/robot/’

[ INFO] [1624790610.349990308]: Starting GazeboRosLaser Plugin (ns = /robot/)

[ INFO] [1624790610.353395077]: GPU Laser Plugin (ns = /robot/) <tf_prefix_>, set to “/robot”

[ INFO] [1624790610.357670816]: LoadThread function completed

[ INFO] [1624790610.396518300]: Camera Plugin: Using the ‘robotNamespace’ param: ‘/robot/’

[ INFO] [1624790610.403170425]: Camera Plugin (ns = /robot/) <tf_prefix_>, set to “/robot”

[ INFO] [1624790610.413338327]: Laser Plugin: Using the ‘robotNamespace’ param: ‘/robot/’

[ INFO] [1624790610.413838798]: Starting GazeboRosLaser Plugin (ns = /robot/)

[ INFO] [1624790610.421140681]: GPU Laser Plugin (ns = /robot/) <tf_prefix_>, set to “/robot”

[ INFO] [1624790610.423111503]: LoadThread function completed

[INFO] [1624790610.459019, 0.000000]: Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned entity

[INFO] [1624790610.459490, 0.000000]: Waiting for service /gazebo/set_model_configuration

[INFO] [1624790610.461528, 0.000000]: temporary hack to fix the -J joint position option (issue #93), sleeping for 1 second to avoid race condition.

[ INFO] [1624790610.496394001]: Camera Plugin: Using the ‘robotNamespace’ param: ‘/robot/’

[ INFO] [1624790610.504569793]: Camera Plugin (ns = /robot/) <tf_prefix_>, set to “/robot”

[ INFO] [1624790610.653963769]: Loading gazebo_ros_new_control plugin

[ INFO] [1624790610.654467269]: Starting gazebo_ros_new_control plugin in namespace: /robot/

[ INFO] [1624790610.655621744]: gazebo_ros_new_control plugin is waiting for model URDF in parameter [/robot/robot_description] on the ROS param server.

[ERROR] [1624790610.787282050]: No p gain specified for pid. Namespace: /gazebo_ros_new_control/pid_gains/robot_front_right_wheel_joint

[ERROR] [1624790610.789722575]: No p gain specified for pid. Namespace: /gazebo_ros_new_control/pid_gains/robot_front_left_wheel_joint

[ERROR] [1624790610.791661847]: No p gain specified for pid. Namespace: /gazebo_ros_new_control/pid_gains/robot_back_left_wheel_joint

[ERROR] [1624790610.793525465]: No p gain specified for pid. Namespace: /gazebo_ros_new_control/pid_gains/robot_back_right_wheel_joint

[ERROR] [1624790610.796319080]: No p gain specified for pid. Namespace: /gazebo_ros_new_control/pid_gains/robot_arm_shoulder_pan_joint

[ERROR] [1624790610.799651517]: No p gain specified for pid. Namespace: /gazebo_ros_new_control/pid_gains/robot_arm_shoulder_lift_joint

[ERROR] [1624790610.801826509]: No p gain specified for pid. Namespace: /gazebo_ros_new_control/pid_gains/robot_arm_elbow_joint

[ERROR] [1624790610.804552504]: No p gain specified for pid. Namespace: /gazebo_ros_new_control/pid_gains/robot_arm_wrist_1_joint

[ERROR] [1624790610.806608155]: No p gain specified for pid. Namespace: /gazebo_ros_new_control/pid_gains/robot_arm_wrist_2_joint

[ERROR] [1624790610.808684069]: No p gain specified for pid. Namespace: /gazebo_ros_new_control/pid_gains/robot_arm_wrist_3_joint

[ERROR] [1624790610.810608197]: No p gain specified for pid. Namespace: /gazebo_ros_new_control/pid_gains/robot_egh_gripper_finger_left_joint

[ INFO] [1624790610.828457089]: Loaded gazebo_ros_new_control.

[ INFO] [1624790610.834913863]: PlanarMovePlugin missing , defaults to “1”

[ INFO] [1624790610.834975433]: PlanarMovePlugin missing , defaults to “0”

[ INFO] [1624790610.853106540]: MimicJointPlugin loaded! Joint: “robot_egh_gripper_finger_left_joint”, Mimic joint: “robot_egh_gripper_finger_right_joint”, Multiplier: 1, Offset: 0, MaxEffort: 200, Sensitiveness: 0

[INFO] [1624790611.463091, 0.000000]: Calling service /gazebo/set_model_configuration

[INFO] [1624790611.470048, 0.000000]: Set model configuration status: SetModelConfiguration: success

[ WARN] [1624790611.486332450, 0.001000000]: The default_robot_hw_sim plugin is using the Joint::SetPosition method without preserving the link velocity.

[ WARN] [1624790611.486905785, 0.001000000]: As a result, gravity will not be simulated correctly for your model.

[ WARN] [1624790611.487206135, 0.001000000]: Please set gazebo_pid parameters, switch to the VelocityJointInterface or EffortJointInterface, or upgrade to Gazebo 9.

[ WARN] [1624790611.487506539, 0.001000000]: For details, see https://github.com/ros-simulation/gazebo_ros_new_pkgs_new/issues/612

[ WARN] [1624790611.488444070, 0.001000000]: The mimic_joint plugin is using the Joint::SetPosition method without preserving the link velocity.

[ WARN] [1624790611.488876154, 0.001000000]: As a result, gravity will not be simulated correctly for your model.

[ WARN] [1624790611.489283812, 0.001000000]: Please set gazebo_pid parameters or upgrade to Gazebo 9.

[ WARN] [1624790611.489566865, 0.001000000]: For details, see https://github.com/ros-simulation/gazebo_ros_new_pkgs_new/issues/612

[robot/urdf_spawner_rbkairos_model-2] process has finished cleanly

log file: /home/david/.ros/log/4cfed202-d734-11eb-bfde-b0359f19f02d/robot-urdf_spawner_rbkairos_model-2*.log

And the topics list is:


As you can see, there is no “/robot/arm_controller” so I can’t make the motion planning.

Thanks for your time!

What ROS version/Gazebo are you using?

I’m so sorry, I didn’t get notified about your reply!

I’m using ROS Kinetic 1.12.17 and Gazebo 7.0.

I want to update the question: I have download the packages from this other repository this time, and now it seems to work fine.
But from the previous packages also found another problem: the laser didn’t read anything (-inf). Just saying if you want to check it, but is not needed with the new download.

Now I’m having problems with another theme, just in case you could have a look at this new question.

Thanks for your time and sorry for not replying earlier!