Issues with chmod

Im have issues with steps after chmod in both python for robotics and ROS in 5 days. as you might guess im not a coder, YET! but i do want to learn. copied last parts of code.

user:~/catkin_ws/src/robot_control$ robotcontrol = RobotControl()
bash: syntax error near unexpected token (' user:~/catkin_ws/src/robot_control$ user:~/catkin_ws/src/robot_control$ a = robotcontrol.get_laser(360) bash: syntax error near unexpected token(’
user:~/catkin_ws/src/robot_control$ print ("The laser value received is: ", a)
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `"The laser value received is: ",’

Got it!! Needed to copy/paste with browser. 5 days may take me 5 years but im trying!!

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Great, way to go!!