Is there any difference in the way we write dependencies?

Is there any difference while giving up dependencies during catkin_create_pkg(i.e., during new package creation) and manually writing all dependencies in cmakelists?
if yes, then what’s the difference?
This is because i observed one thing, when i wrote dependencies during catkin_create_pkg i was getting errors but when i created package and then wrote dependencies in cmakelists, everything was working fine!

Hi Ashish,
there is no difference between adding the dependencies during catkin_create_pkg and manually writing in the CMakeLists.txt.
The reason you may had errors is because you did some mistake while specifying them. That is very common for beginners and non-beginners. That is why we indicate that you should indicate the dependencies at package creation time.
Also, remember that if you want to add new dependencies manually, you need to modify also the package.xml file