I notice that the Learner mark of my account is gone from my page

I notice that the Learner mark of my account is gone from my page, and I thank the professors in this community. They help me a lot.

I come to the Construct, especially, for the navigation technology in ROS2. Not ROS1, I focus on ROS2. On the Construct, the new version of the NAV2 lecture has not come yet. I have tons of questions about NAV2 that are waiting for the answer.

I am struggling in NAV2. So, I can understand how hard it will be for professors to prepare a lecture. I will bring my Learner mark back as soon as your new lecture comes. Or, there comes a new navigation stack in the ROS2 community, and you have another lecture about it.

Thank you for your understanding and kindness! As you rightly guessed, we would have published the new Nav2 course by now but for some unforeseen problem with Gazebo in ROS2 Galactic.

We will publish it soon and invite you to evaluate it.

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The new course has been published. Please check it out.

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